Example sentences of "then after a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then after a hearty sneeze , Fagg appeared ready to resume his duties as interviewee .
2 They 'd set his hand and cast it , and then after a second set of plates a week later they 'd broken off the cast and operated .
3 And then after a long pause , he sighed , ‘ But it will never be quite the same . ’
4 Then after a long pause she added , ‘ Absolutely nice .
5 Then after a long while , during which neither of us could escape from her hatred and savagery , she 'd said tiredly , ‘ OK , Annie , we ca n't do it .
6 Then after a long time I got up with the help of a friend .
7 Shallow Adit , started at the bottom of the Gill Head waterfall , had intersected Spedding 's Lode at once , then after a short distance , Benson 's Lodes .
8 The coach then took us into the Wachau Valley for lunch at another 5-star hotel and then after a short walk through the medieval village and Durnstein Castle , we went on to the ‘ UND ’ Monastery at Krems for a wine tasting .
9 And then after a brief explanation , ‘ The only reason I write to you is that you warned me this would happen . ’
10 ‘ It 's grand ti see thoo , lass , ’ he breathed , and then after a ferocious bout of coughing , allowed his eyes to close again , as though the effort had been too great !
11 Then after a few miles the engine stopped again .
12 Golf Charlie Charlie , engine failure ’ , then after a few seconds ‘ Mayday !
13 Finishing only , and er then after a few years the manufacturing side of the industry adopted the cost of living different from ours but they adopted a cost of living bonus in in a degree rather different from our .
14 Her head beat from side to side and she said , ‘ Yes , yes , yes , yes , ’ again , then Lachlan — wiry , athletic-looking , skinny shanks ramming back and forth like some skinny bull — reached under her , pulled her up , his legs spreading , kneeling ; she hung onto him , arms round his neck , then after a few vertical stabs he threw her down , back onto the bed ; she grunted , arms still tight round his back , then she brought her legs up , right up over his thin , plunging , globe-buttocked behind , until her ankles were in the small of his back , rocking to and fro , feet crossed one over the other , locked there ; with one splayed hand she held onto his back , pressing him to her , and with the other hand she felt down the length of his body , over ribs and waist and hips , and with another grunt reached round and under , taking his balls in her hand , pressing them and kneading them and squeezing them .
15 That 's in the oh a lot of people did , oh yes , lot of people spent the money but I was one of the fortunate ones I had a little bit left because I mean I was , er I was very lucky myself , I mean I had a decent job at that time from time I left school and when I was on the dredging plant , I mean you take er in nineteen twenty five when er a schoolboy left school , his money was about ten shillings a week as an errand boy but I was one of the fortunate being a cabin boy on the dredger , I was getting thirty five shillings a week which was a lot of money and then after a few months they , I , they wanted another deck hand , so of course I went on there on four pound a week and then I was well off .
16 That was , that was what the crew were getting four pound a week and course my father that time he done away with a cabin boy so I had to do more or less two jobs , see if I were n't working on deck I 'd go down and clean the cabins and that 's how , that 's how we kept the money going course then after a few years when they got to the finish about nineteen thirty one then the harbourmaster turned round and he ruc reduced our wages five shillings a week , so we were getting three pound fifteen a week .
17 Then after a few minutes it all stops .
18 Gina started scanning the documents , then after a few seconds she gasped ,
19 First the bride 's parents with attendants visited the newly married couple in their home ; then after a further interval the married couple made a similar formal visit to the bride 's parents .
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