Example sentences of "then it can be " in BNC.

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1 He can not ‘ frame a general notion by abstracting from particulars ’ to form an ‘ abstract idea ’ of ‘ man ’ 'wherein , it is true there is included colour , because there is no man but has some colour , but then it can be neither white nor black , nor any particular colour ; because there is no one particular colour wherein all men partake . ’
2 To regard homosexuality as a social construction and nothing more is , potentially , to put another weapon in the hands of those who would like to see it quite literally erased from the world — if it can be constructed , then it can be deconstructed , so what are all those queers still doing here ?
3 If the horse has been badly trained and throws his head up then it can be a useful aid until you have taught him to accept the rein aids .
4 Once it is realized that signals that change cells ' behaviour do not really carry intricate information , then it can be seen that any complexity of behaviour lies in the cells ' capacity to respond rather than in complexity in the signals .
5 If the gene is isolated then it can be cloned — that is , large numbers of copies made — and then its nucleotide sequence determined .
6 If , by the morning after , there is no reaction to the food , then it can be incorporated into the diet , and testing begun on a new food .
7 And , let it be noted , if 1920 marked the high tide of Bukharin 's leftism , then it can be said to be equally true of the Bolsheviks as a whole , Lenin included .
8 In fact , when the sex act takes place only when progeny is desired then it can be referred to as married brahmacārya .
9 The current laws on all kicking should remain except that any ball caught on the full from kick in general play can be returned directly into touch with the line-out at the point where the ball goes out of play — e.g. a scrum-half kicking for touch would still need to bounce the ball into touch but , should the kick be gathered on the full , then it can be kicked directly into touch .
10 If the management m a company get a pay rise , then it can be argued that the shop-floor workers should get one too .
11 Some of it you know just to ignore , but if it is from someone who knows what he is on about , then it can be helpful in making you into a better player .
12 ‘ I have always believed that if you have organisation , belief , and players who want to work hard together , then it can be done .
13 If it is supported by the evidence ( 9 ) , then it can be seen as a contribution to theory ( 10 ) .
14 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
15 Then it can be argued that too much power is being concentrated in the hands of the minister .
16 It is a simple matter , which we leave to the reader , to show that if A is real , symmetric and positive definite , then it can be written as the product BTB where B is real and triangular .
17 If the term has a meaning independent of the nature of the object , then it can be used for communication ( perhaps it means ‘ whatever is in the box ’ ) but the private object in the box drops out of consideration as irrelevant — an idle cog .
18 If it 's a big discharge which is perhaps on a Royal Commission standard and it is consistently turning out say a 30 BOD and a 40 solids then it can be regarded as harmful and one would press for improvement to be carried out . …
19 If the faculty of negation is crucial to thinking , then it can be assumed that each cognitive strategy is potentially negateable .
20 if it is to certify an institution then it can be superficial and impressionistic ( i.e. subjective ) ;
21 If that is the only problem faced by certain investment projects then it can be solved fairly easily by an interventionist government willing to regulate international capital flows in order to adjust the external value of the currency ( it is upward adjustment of the exchange rate which may be very difficult ) .
22 If it can be established by observation in some test experiment that a 10 lb. weight and a 1 lb. weight in free fall move downwards at roughly the same speed , then it can be concluded that the claim that bodies fall at speeds proportional to their weight is false .
23 And , to descend to crude practicalities , you are going to get very much less money for what you have done , though it is only fair to add that if you are lucky and clever enough to create a story that catches editors ' fancies then it can be anthologised time and again and in the end bring in perhaps as much as a full-length book that has failed to get wide paperback sales .
24 If this abbreviated plan is convincing , then it can be refined to a more nearly faithful one .
25 If , however , an existential claim is expressed in such a manner , then it can be paraphrased in terms of valid inference .
26 If this can be kept in a place that is accessible to teachers , along with a monitor ( a small black and white one would do ) , then it can be used for teacher viewing and for setting a tape at the right place before a lesson .
27 Then it can be confined to a raised pool without offending the eye .
28 If the present cratering rate on Mars can be extended into the distant past then it can be shown that among the light and moderately heavily cratered regions there is a great range of ages , from regions that may be no more than a few tens of Ma old , to regions about 3000 Ma old .
29 If this has been the case then it can be shown that the Mercurian smooth plains are slightly older than the lunar maria .
30 In the case of Mars , if the small bodies had aphelia between Mars and Jupiter then it can be shown that the crater-saturated regions on Mars would be older than 4000 Ma .
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