Example sentences of "then [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The data from the GMS are put into 157 symptom groups which are then gathered into eight clusters .
2 The fetch phase involves extracting the contents of the store location referred to by the program counter , and decoding it into an operation code portion , specifying an operation to be carried out , and an operand portion , specifying a store address ( whose numeric value we will indicate as The program counter is then incremented by one , to point to the next store location in sequence , since this normally holds the next instruction to be executed .
3 COS 7 cells ( 2 106 ) were transfected with 1 µg DNA and 500 µg DEAE-Dextran ( Pharmacia ) in 1 ml Hanks-balanced salt solution ( Kantonsapotheke Zürich ) for 30 min , shocked in 25% DMSO solution in Hanks for 3 min and then incubated for 30 hr in fresh DME-Medium containing10% FCS .
4 Cells were then shocked with 25% DMSO in Hanks solution for 3 min and then incubated for 30 hours in fresh DME-Medium containing 10%FCS at 37°C with 5% CO 2 .
5 The bottles were gassed out with argon and then incubated for 48 hours at 37°C on an orbital shaker .
6 Men were described alternatively in the records as yeoman or husbandman or by their craft name , for industry and agriculture were not then regarded as two entirely separate ventures .
7 He was staying up for four or five days at a time and then crashing for four or five days .
8 Under the name of J. J. Marric he then produced from 1955 onwards a series of books written round a police officer by the name of Gideon .
9 The framework is then clad with two layers of 12mm plasterboard , the second layer being staggered so that the joints do not coincide .
10 The total employment impact on the Scotch Whisky industry to the UK economy as a result of direct , indirect and induced employment is then calculated at 71,305 .
11 The site continued in use as a corn mill up to its acquisition by the Arkell family in 1827 , by then consisting of three corn mills , a malt house and a bakery .
12 Bring to the boil stirring constantly then simmer for 1 minute .
13 Then simmer for 1 hour until tender .
14 Place in a small saucepan , cover with boiling water , bring to the boil , then simmer for 5 minutes .
15 Mix the jelly , mustard and seasoning with the juice of the orange and lemon , and the cooked rind , then simmer for 5 mins .
16 Add the remaining tangerines and the brandy , then simmer for 10 min .
17 Heat the liquid without the wool very slowly until lukewarm , then add the wool and take from 1–2 hours to reach simmering point from that stage , then simmer for 10 minutes .
18 Bring to the boil and then simmer for 10 minutes or until slightly reduced .
19 Bring to the boil , stirring all the time , then simmer for 15 mins , stirring occasionally , until the chops become really tender .
20 Place over gentle heat and stir until the sugar and butter have melted , then simmer for 3 min and pour into the prepared pudding basin .
21 These 2000 most frequent word groups are then arranged into four ‘ sluices ’ so that Sluice 1 contains the most frequent 500 words , Sluice 2 the next most frequent 500 words , and so on .
22 Except for the control reactions ( -UV ) , the samples were then exposed to 254 nm UV for 5 min and analyzed by 15% SDS-PAGE .
23 Patients were then treated with 120 mg tripotassium dicitratobismuthate ( DeNol , Brocades , Weybridge , Surrey , UK ) four times daily for one month , 400 mg metronidazole three times daily , and 500 mg tetracycline four times daily taken concurrently for the first two weeks of treatment .
24 Briefly , slides were rehydrated in water , treated with 0.2 M HCl for 20 minutes at room temperature , rinsed with 10 mM RIS , 1 mM EDTA buffer , then treated with 20 µg/ml proteinase K in TRIS/EDTA buffer for 10 minutes .
25 This was then treated with 50 ml 2 M NaOH in 72% ethanol and washed to neutrality with 200 ml 72% ethanol .
26 With a little grimace she walked back towards the bed , and then leaned against one of the posts .
27 It is then developed in seven statements to a climactic definition of the nature of the fire of love ; they are brought to a triumphant conclusion by juxtaposing a negative statement with its positive form to indicate ways in which the third degree of singular love fulfils and transcends the longing of the earlier stages : The phrase from The Song of Songs ( 5:2 ) which heralds the arrival of the beloved , here conveys a sense of a transformed newly awakened consciousness where longing and the unquiet ego are quenched .
28 Neo-Gothic in turrets and corridors and battlements , it was founded by Bishop Samuel Wilberforce of Oxford opposite the front gate of his palace , and then developed by two of the leaders of the Church of England in Queen Victoria 's days into the foremost training college of that Catholic tradition .
29 The coded long term culture pellets were resuspended in 100 µl of TE ( 10 mM Tris ; 0.1 mM EDTA pH 8.8 ) then boiled for 20 minutes in 1.5 ml screw capped tubes to release microbial DNA .
30 DNA extraction — Sterile water ( 50 µl ) was added to each sample , which was then boiled for 30 minutes and a 3:2 ( vol:vol ) ratio of autoclaved 1 mm and 0.1 mm glass beads added to half fill each Eppendorf container ( Stratech Scientific , Luton ) .
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