Example sentences of "then [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 for established products , success may depend on winning a key customer , whose decision to buy will then influence other purchasers .
2 It was a common sight then to see several boys , myself included , stand at the pavement 's edge , take out our little ‘ Willies ’ — raise them on high for elevation , and suddenly direct the streams of urine on to the watching , gaping girls .
3 In this case , you could make the whole picture golden , choosing a gold frame , making the backing from a piece of gold velvet or silk , and then using gold-coloured leaves and flowers for the design itself .
4 This involves setting targets for money supply into the future , and then using monetary policy to ensure that these targets are met .
5 We were then using two agents for the treatment of leukaemia : methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine ( 6-MP ) .
6 Then using white butter icing I make two sets of icing , say pink and white , and cover half the cakes with a layer of white and half with a layer of pink , decorate some with chocolate strands and some with hundreds and thousands ( sprinkleys ) .
7 During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries garnet jewellery , much of it then using cut stones , enjoyed a notable vogue among the rising middle classes requiring red stones but unable to afford rubies until these became available in good synthetic form during the present century .
8 Another case example of international big business creating new markets for itself , then using these countries as a dumping ground for substandard products it could n't sell in Europe or the United States .
9 This problem was largely solved by explaining reinforcement in terms of drive reduction , since drives could be readily manipulated by depriving animals of food or water and then using these items as reinforcement .
10 If she then plays 3 rounds of Spades trumping in dummy and proceeds to knock out the Ace of Clubs , East can simply hold off to the third round and then lead a Diamond .
11 In July the company had said that it then expected 32,000 people to take redundancy this year , up from the 20,000 forecast at the beginning of the year : now it says it expects 40,000 to go , 8000 of them in Europe — of which the UK share is 600 , and 4,000 of them in Asia .
12 The unfortunate Home Secretary then receives much advice of a totally impractical nature for the solution of the problem .
13 It means that a defendant who has incurred large costs both at trial and in the Court of Appeal in resisting a claim by a legally aided plaintiff , but who then receives legal aid in the House of Lords where he is finally successful , is ineligible for any award of costs against the board .
14 I started off with a random set of guesses as to how to break the code , and then checked each guess to see how good it was at turning the garbled message into English .
15 He worked out where The Bar was on his maps , and then checked this perspective against the actual view — from where he saw the city it looked like The Bar was right in the middle of it , not hidden away at all like it was on the map .
16 Formed by looping the pile yarn across two warp strands and then drawing each end back through the inside of both warps .
17 Using an uncontrolled study to report a reduction in referrals from general practice in the year after introduction of the guidelines and then to ascribe this drop to the guidelines themselves is somewhat naive .
18 The software then diverts all output across the network to the printer on the other machine .
19 It flared up , then became black ash .
20 He then became chief intelligence officer to the Egyptian expeditionary force that advanced into Palestine .
21 If your offer is acceptable then you proceed by applying for a mortgage and informing your appointed solicitor or conveyancing agent of the details of the purchase , so that he or she can then make formal overtures to the vendor 's solicitors .
22 Conflict : The bank could then make imprudent loans to Company X to keep it from failing .
23 Or they may have charged the five hundred at twenty five percent in which case they need n't then make any adjustment on his code .
24 The clause ‘ and receive such medical treatment ’ added to section 8(1) ( b ) would then make medical treatment compulsory in the community .
25 He then made two transfer requests and Wilkinson seized the first opportunity he could to unload the controversial star .
26 Dalglish then made two alterations of his own , putting on Roy Wegerle and Stuart Ripley to give his side more attacking options , and within four minutes Blackburn were level .
27 Erika kissed Omi 's old cheek , and then made hot chocolate .
28 Having built its model , the company then made rough calculations of costs and an approximate indication of their causes .
29 She cut in on a station wagon , forcing the driver to brake heavily , then made fifty yards on the hard shoulder .
30 He waited until they were lost to sight beyond a fold of ground and a belt of trees , and then made good speed down to the little river , splashed through it where the banks were level and firm , and climbed the slope on the other side .
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