Example sentences of "then [vb base] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Questions of design-society relations then appear of major significance — not only for society or for questions of " design-and-society " but for design itself .
2 But he realised that that would n't make sense , since a man can not be struck dumb and then speak of that condition , so what he said , when we asked him how he was , what he said was , very slowly , In Love .
3 Auctions are a good source of supply because many companies run them and then dispose of sound examples in the sale ring .
4 ‘ So I 'm terribly sorry , but I wo n't be able to c — ’ I break off on hearing a low moan then an uninterrupted wailing noise , followed by the gnashing of elderly dentures , the grinding of elderly cheek muscles , the solid thud of arthritic knees hitting tufted twistpile , some steady gasping and choking noises , then worst of all , the terrible silence of a condemned committee member :
5 Then think of all the sounds that could be " suspect " with this sound , i.e. all the sounds that could vary from this sound with just a slight change of some of these features .
6 Let me just it 's nothing special , it 's only a circle , but if you were to take that for a , as , as an example if you like as a picture of God 's purposes for us , you see the circle is , is , geometrical it 's , it 's , it 's perfect , there is nothing that is odd about it , there is nothing er , there 's no difference about it , it is perfect and that was God 's purpose and God 's plan for you and for me , that our , that our time , our being should be perfect in , in harmony with him , you think of all the things in your life personally , and then think of all the things in the , in the life of your com of our community , those things that mar it , those things that spoil it , those things that stop today be the perfect day for you that 's not God 's purpose for you they 've all come as a product , a direct result of sin , it was n't how God intended it , it was n't how God made it , his plan , his purpose for you and for me was to live and to dwell together with him in perfect harmony for ever , and there
7 If you find that one side of the body is pushing down into the floor , then think of that side of the body releasing away from the floor .
8 Then think of any organisation whose reputation has bitten the proverbial dust over the last year and surprised you . ’
9 If you can afford it this is what you do — come to Henley in style … then partake of some of the 3,000 bottles of champagne , 4,000 bottles of Pimm 's and almost two tonnes of strawberries on sale in the Steward 's Enclosure .
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