Example sentences of "then [pers pn] set [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 You should , you , you 're advised not to jog on tarmac because the surface is hard and jars and so if you do a lot of it can you see and if , particularly if your joints are not equal to it , then you set up a lot of trouble .
2 Then you set up a review section which reduces books about famine and war to a star rating for entertainment .
3 Then she set off back to the library .
4 Then she set off across the shimmering grass , towards the dank , smelly , but mercifully cool ‘ Ladies ’ .
5 He placed his arm round my waist , which gave me a pleasurable feeling I 'd never experienced , and then we set off to the picture house .
6 Then we set off by car to tape some face-to-face interviews with funeral directors .
7 They watched us unpack everything and then we set off .
8 Then they set up fifteen study groups , each of which was charged with designing a new state for one of the fifteen suggestions .
9 Then they set up resourcing arrangements , just as they would do for any other business operation they undertook .
10 Then they set off climbing .
11 Then they set off after the horses .
12 Then they set off at a run , Jim and Louise leading the way , Jube pounding along behind them .
13 Then they set off over the fields for the nearest village , two miles away .
14 And then they set off from there into Kirkwall about What time ?
15 this lad was , now he was , coming in the bar , he sat just as you come in the door and then he moved to that long thing where we sit , well I go at the bar and Jackie was sat there Jackie , I said time to be social , no I cos I laugh , I were laughing me head off me and he 's jabbering away move like that , his arms moving you know , then he sets off to sing , well , la , la and Johnny said shut up I know Johnny put his glass of beer on the next table to ours and sets off to see Mickey , then he stands up this lad sit down you , must have thought for his beer , I think he was like , I says to Jack I says er you want to put his trousers is all undone , you know sat and his trousers what and his jumper , so our Johnny went he said get that covered up and , but he pulled it down like that , and now he took 'em out he walked through the door and his trousers were falling down but
16 He was a scholar and for many years studied to learn the ways of dragons ; he was proud but not stupid , and he learned all that the books could teach him , and then he set off on a long journey and captured two baby dragons and brought them home as pets .
17 Then he set off the expense of having a debtor arrested in this way , which failed to produce payment of the debt against the sums he recovered .
18 Then he set out to rappel down the cliff , jerk after jerk as his feet hit the rock .
19 Then he set out along the path that the old man had shown him .
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