Example sentences of "then [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then fragments of memory floated slowly to the surface like debris from a sunken ship , and along with them the aches and twinges of a busy night .
2 A narrow track wound steeply up the lower slopes through dense forest , and then areas of bamboo and giant heather .
3 Next are the priority needs of federal agencies and organizations , then imports of energy , and finally imports of consumer goods .
4 If an exogenously determined money stock can be taken for granted , then movements in money incomes and prices would not influence the money stock and so the causality must run in the direction presumed by monetarists .
5 By creating new credit instruments — at first Eurodollar loans , then Certificates of Deposit and more recently all sorts of commercial paper ( i.e. more promises-to-pay issued direct by enterprises ) , banks began creating money in a new , unregulated international banking system , thus adding to the world 's money supply .
6 If the person is considered to have been of outstanding importance to the nation then days of mourning might be decreed .
7 If the mid-year inflation figures are used , then incomes from farming went up by about 16pc .
8 But full membership must always be a complex package of rights and responsibilities , requiring , first , years of negotiations and then years of transition .
9 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
10 And if you find then things like stress and anxiety come through , there are other ways of treating that and sorting that out .
11 Since leakages are assumed to be related to income , and injections are assumed exogenous , then variations in income equate total income and expenditure flows in the circular flow model .
12 If on the contrary , the mind thinks disturbing thoughts , like thinking of another man as having more riches or land , then feelings of envy , resentment and disappointment spread through the mind making the whole body cold and unhappy .
13 He argues that by maintaining the job environment at an acceptable level then feelings of dissatisfaction can be avoided .
14 Continue on track as it bends right then curves round edge of large field , then past a second building and up minor ridge , where it meets another track coming up from right .
15 Since they will have a substantial amount of software embedded , then techniques of software engineering will have to be heeded in their manufacture — a necessary step in ensuring quality and verification .
16 Because when you 're awakened by somebody else 's involuntary noise , you first feel sympathy , then irritation , followed by impotent fury then tears of frustration .
17 If the AE and AD groups differ in the ease with which they acquire the target response to A ( as they well might ) , then differences in test performance might reflect only that there was more conditioned responding to generalize in one case than in the other .
18 There were then spaces for signature , address and date .
19 The last sunset is orange and yellow , then shades of purple .
20 Okay so this strikes us as a rather eccentric claim er he does qualify it , he says that there may be cases where there are n't enough people of independent means in a country to present themselves , he does n't mean England here he means some of the dependent territories and then members of parliament should be paid compensation rather than a salary .
21 She rolled along the carpet , hampered by her long dressing-gown , and then arms like steel tentacles caught her again .
22 Some people even then numbers of mistake .
23 But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me — pulling pulling pulling .
24 If differential achievement is of no importance after all , then subtleties of interpretation need not be seriously debated and girls ' experiences would hardly be worth exploring .
25 If these information-processing modules exist only in the minds of cognitive scientists , rather than in the minds of the subjects they study , then breakdowns in face recognition or word recognition should either be all-or-none , or else they should be extremely difficult to conceptualize within the vocabulary of cognitive psychology .
26 Every now and then clouds of steam from the cooling reservoirs of the furnaces float over the skyline , It is an Icelandic scene of snow and hot-springs , of glacier , rock , cliffs , sky , and seabirds .
27 Okay let's move on then folks to knowledge .
28 A list of good points about the authority would be followed by a list of bad points , then recommendations about problem areas and ways the force could help .
29 Then side-slips into coldness that will kill .
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