Example sentences of "into [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I got up and you know I swear I turned into Firmin for a moment and I said , ‘ Listen , Our Lady of Communications , I shall write and you will transmit as many fucking letters per day as I happen to feel like writing . ’
2 Stephen Tyler-Upfield wants to switch from conversions into building for the first-time buyers he believes are now increasing there .
3 The receiver will be obliged at the end of his receivership to hand over to the company any documents belonging to the company but not those brought into existence for the discharge of his own professional duties or his duties to the chargee .
4 All these skills God called into play for the construction of his tabernacle .
5 It is , I think , also of interest to note that section 84 will normally come into play for the benefit of a defendant to action already begun by the local authority in the county court .
6 Similar acrobatics came into play for the last episode of the seven-part series , a forty-five-minute Christmas special in which Frank learns to fly .
7 TODAY 'S Birthday Honours are the last before the do-it-yourself system comes into play for the New Year awards .
8 Not only has he exerted himself tirelessly on teh College 's behalf but he has flung himself with similar enthusiasm into fundraising for the Prince 's Trust and for the Leigh City Technology School in Kent .
9 the secretary-general to explore the scope for entrusting an impartial body with the task of inquiring into responsibility for the conflict .
10 A safe course to adopt if in any doubt is to present the argument for both sides — to turn yourself successively into counsel for the plaintiff ( prosecutor ) , counsel for the defendant , and finally the judge .
11 Bomb explosions on the night of Aug. 2-3 caused minor damage on the Madrid-Seville and Madrid-Palencia lines , and threw the system into chaos for the rest of the weekend .
12 The power of Labour in the War Cabinet helped to channel the energies of radical activists into support for the People 's War .
13 At an early stage four bishops had joined the queen in Suffolk ; six had later witnessed the proclamation of Prince Edward as keeper of the realm ; towards the end , more than a dozen prelates had been coerced by the London mob into support for the queen 's party .
14 3 It is one thing to recognise the limited possibilities of insurrection in Britain , but it is another thing to move from this into support for the Labour Party .
15 The meeting expressed reserved interest in an EC study into aid for the Soviet Union , commissioned by the previous week 's EC summit [ see pp. 37520-21 ] , and in Commission proposals for a general reserve facility or financial safety net of 10,000 million European currency units ( about US$12,000 million ) for Eastern European countries to draw on .
16 Instead of carrying on and making the downwind landing without incident , he flew on to give himself room to land and then tried to turn around into wind for the landing .
17 But Professor Cizek of Vienna has been putting these ideas into practice for the last thirty years , with the results you may see exhibited .
18 Then I went into therapy for a while .
19 Lord Baldwin 's generosity was well rewarded as Georg gained a double First in Mathematics in 1942 and went into research for the Admiralty .
20 Before 1781 it had consisted of only eight houses , but in that year the Strutts — who had gone into partnership for a time with the then-needy Arkwright — built the large cotton mill that still stands there .
21 After moving to Grimsetter and Hatston respectively , this unit embarked aboard the carrier HMS Indefatigable , and in the period July 14 to 19 , 1944 , took its Fireflies into action for the first time when they supported FAA raids on the German battleship Tirpitz by attacking gun positions and two German naval vessels .
22 To add to Darlington 's problems , centre Steve Ellis was injured in the second half and club skipper Mark Layfield was called into action for the first time in two months following injury .
23 When Operation Gentle Shepherd swung into action for the second time , five of the six sperm whales were coaxed by 14 rescue vessels between the islands of Swona and South Ronaldsay and were heading for the Pentland Firth when they dived beneath the waves .
24 Despite objections from cyclists and disabled people , the scheme is to be put into action for an experimental period of 18 months .
25 There is also a book-binding shop and a Braille Unit , which transfers a wide range of books into braille for the blind , and which really does serve a useful purpose .
26 Prisoners are using computers to translate books into braille for the blind , as part of a jail 's rehabilitation programme .
27 Organize your accounts in time for the Budget and Money Smith For Windows — ideal for both business and home use ; create your own friendly front-end with the easy to use 3D Menu , and then step into Phantasm for a slice of virtual reality !
28 As India 's leading political parties shift into gear for the forthcoming general election campaign , no fewer than three of the ex-Maharajah 's once-royal relatives are jostling for the right to contest the Bharatpur seat .
29 ‘ I said when I named the squad that the match provided an opportunity for someone to thrust himself into contention for a place in the squad to go to Lisbon next month .
30 Full back Phil Hardy came through yesterday 's match with no ill-effects following his recent heel operation and the 19-year old could come into contention for the visit to Lincoln City on Saturday .
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