Example sentences of "could be hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of this campaign it looked at last as if the time of peace had come , when the Council for which Anselm had been pressing for the past four years could be held with royal support .
2 The advantage of a pillbox line was that it could be held with fewer men who could , therefore , be rotated more frequently : another morale-boosting factor .
3 On April 17 , following the ICJ ruling [ see above ] , Ibrahim Lagwell , the lawyer representing the two Libyans , suggested in an interview with the US television network ABC that if " a just trial could be held with legal guarantees " , the USA or the UK might be acceptable settings for such a hearing .
4 Ronnie , I think , could be held to be a precursor of P for Patrick Doyle in Kelman 's novel of 1989 , A Disaffection .
5 The search for the motivation leads back to the hypothesis put forward earlier , that life itself could be held to be synonymous with desire , therefore to have life was to have desire .
6 The party endorsed the change at a congress on Jan. 20-23 , 1990 [ for which see pp. 37172-73 ] , but the congress subsequently collapsed amid arguments about the LCY 's federal structure ( the Slovene League of Communists ( LC ) shortly afterwards split from the LCY ) , and before scheduled elections could be held to a new party central committee and presidium .
7 Some clauses would need to be printed in red ink with a red hand pointing to it before the notice could be held to sufficient .
8 As late as the 1760s an influential theorist could still argue that an ambassador who , on his own initiative , encouraged sedition within the state to which he was accredited , could be punished by it even with death , while if he had acted on the orders of his master he could be held as a hostage until the latter had given satisfaction .
9 But surely the proposition that the unemployment rate could be held below its natural value for fairly long periods of time runs counter to the neoclassical model of labour market behaviour ?
10 The initial examination of the requirement was based on the categories derived in the earlier analysis , which produced some tentative conclusions about the type of records that could be held on a computer , and the potential advantages that could be gained .
11 In this way it was hoped that informed discussions could be held on how oildevelopments have affected way of life in different parts of Scotland .
12 Midweek replays could be held on neighbouring grounds .
13 The closest thing to a suggestion of further co-operation with the SNP was Dennis Canavan 's argument that talks could be held on the narrow agenda of pushing for a multi-option referendum , and a reserved hearing the conference accorded to the Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary , Campbell Christie .
14 As Henry Fosbrooke of the Tanganyika administration pointed out , these would serve the dual purpose of providing an outlet for excess Masai stock and an opportunity for the transaction of administrative business ; courts , for instance , could be held at cattle auctions .
15 Theoretically , it could be held at the ‘ Unix Perspectives : Conference for Enterprise Solutions ’ get-together that Unix Systems Labs has in train for early November ( UX 435 ) .
16 either the ninth or the tenth , it could be held here it could be held at Havstock Park .
17 The fact that the ‘ natural ’ climax community for the region could be held at bay by geographical factors such as the presence of a lake showed that there was no super-organism designed to flourish in a particular region .
18 The computer could be used to rescale the image pixel values so that the lowest value in the image ( 25 ) was interpolated onto the lowest value that the display system could accommodate ( 0 ) while the highest value in the raw image ( 90 ) was mapped to the maximum value that could be held at a pixel point in the image memory bank ( 255 ) .
19 The Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act laid down that a person arrested on suspicion could be held without further formality for up to twenty-one days .
20 But first it was necessary to take the village of Longueval : the two positions were considered as one objective , since neither could be held without the other .
21 Dunbar , all agreed , would be a good place to get out of , since it was impossible , despite these improved defences , that it could be held against its own lord and the whole might of England 's king .
22 I want you , but I have no intention of giving you a plain gold ring or any other ring that could be held against me as a pledge .
23 Do n't joke about serious issues or say things you do n't mean or it could be held against you later .
24 Official posts could be held by four principal types of tenure : durante bene placito , or during the King 's pleasure , which was the least secure ; quam diu se bene gesserit , or during good behaviour , which placed the holder a little more firmly in the saddle ; for life , which made him virtually irremovable from his office , although he could , for flagrant misdemeanours , be suspended from its functions ; and hereditary tenure , which converted the post to a transmissible freehold property .
25 At the extreme , if it turned out that one opinion was in a minority in every group or constituency mandating its one representative , then the gathering of representatives would be unanimous in its support for the other opinion , while the minority opinion would be entirely unrepresented , even though , in principle , it could be held by 49 per cent of those taking part in the mandating process .
26 She hoped that negotiations could be carried out along with those with Sweden and Finland and that a second referendum could be held by 1995 .
27 An entire commission came in by bus from Benghazi and changed the locale from the football club to the playground of a school which had one entrance , telephones and offices where any necessary discussion could be held in private .
28 A specific point of view of a space , in a fleeting moment of time , could be held in utter stillness .
29 He was trapped in his body , as surely as a crashed motorist could be held in a wrecked car by a locked seat belt .
30 Furthermore , it is said that it would upset the constitutional balance between the courts and the executive if the Crown could be held in contempt of court for disobeying a prerogative order of prohibition or mandamus .
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