Example sentences of "could see through the " in BNC.

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1 I looked at my watch , the time was just after 11 p.m. and I could see through the doorway the rain was still driving hard .
2 In the middle of the long teak dining table lay Lilian Hatton 's wedding hat , an elaborate confection of satin leaves and tulle as green and fresh as the real leaves he could see through the picture window in the Kingsbrook meadows .
3 All you could see through the gap was a strip of wall and half a fridge .
4 They were not very young , and from the back-slapping and laughter I could see through the glass rear doors in fine form .
5 Ruth noticed , with a tightening of the throat , that she could see through the glass rubble .
6 It would , I hoped , create the illusion that you could see through the base , dispelling any impression there was an operator inside . ’
7 After we had mounted the third hill , we found the country one continued village , tho' mountainous every way , as before ; hardly a house standing out of a speaking distance from another , and … we could see that almost at every house there was a tenter , and almost on every tenter a piece of cloth , or kersie , or shalloon , for they are three articles of that country 's labour ; from which the sun glancing , and , as I may say , shining ( the white reflecting its rays ) to us , I thought it was the most agreeable sight that I ever saw , for the hills , as I say , rising and falling so thick , and the valleys opening sometimes one way , sometimes another , so that sometimes we could see two or three miles this way , sometimes as far another ; sometimes like the streets near St Giles 's , called the Seven Dials ; we could see through the glades almost every way round us , yet look which way we would , high to the tops , and low to the bottoms , it was all the same ; innumerable houses and tenters , and a white piece upon every tenter .
8 One moment she was running and dodging through the striations of ice and carmine and sloe , with the fear that the walls of Spiderglass could see through the ancient cliffs of Mars to where she finally crouched , exhausted .
9 From the outside of the Opéra-Comique in the 9th arrondissement of Paris , you could see through the windows on the ground floor to where vast bales of orange and pink and purple cloth were being unwound by workmen , laid out and cut into huge rectangles and squares .
10 U From my vantage point I could see through the railings into the front garden where Shep was slinking noiselessly into position beneath the stones .
11 An elderly woman had appeared out of the kitchen which Edwards could see through the half-opened door at the end of the small hallway .
12 I did notice that we could see through the one that brought us here , ’ said Twoflower .
13 All Robert could see through the keyhole was the blur of Mr Malik 's grey jacket , passing and repassing ; he seemed to be running , now in one direction , now in another .
14 He slumped , then turned slightly , staring through the gloom of the house towards the north , as if he could see through the walls , through the wood , to that place of battle , that cold place , which lay northwards and to which he and Tallis — as everything that passed this way seemed to be moving .
15 You could see through the window .
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