Example sentences of "could make to the " in BNC.

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1 It was work towards which all Ramsey 's training and expectations led as the right contribution which he could make to the life of his Church and to that of Christendom .
2 Surprisingly , relatively few women saw sheepdog work as a useful contribution they could make to the farm .
3 I feel the greatest contribution the National Council could make to the Rottweiler in Australia is the stabilizing of type , but in the present climate , with a flood of imports from various destinations , this will be all the more difficult .
4 They were received in one of the general 's famous caravans , and Stirling outlined the contribution his unit could make to the coming battle .
5 Firmly replacing the lid he marvelled , as he always did , at the difference one girl and an eighteen-month-old baby could make to the volume of household waste .
6 Legislation further restricting the employment of children reduced the contribution they could make to the family economy .
7 The introduction of compulsory elementary education after 1870 may have prompted a re-evaluation of the cost of children because it seriously diminished the contribution the child could make to the family economy .
8 On the other hand , repeated reference was made in the debate " to the valuable contribution that assistance for family planning could make to the health of women " .
9 The US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said on Oct. 13 , 1989 , that the technology had placed an effective anti-missile system within US reach and described it as " the single most important military bequest this generation could make to the future " .
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