Example sentences of "could get to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , they went back to Scotland Yard so that McLeish could get to a phone and check with his secretary , and with Bruce Davidson , who was co-ordinating the evidence as it came in .
2 In Australia , the spokesman said , ‘ it was difficult to see how we could get to a position of influence in the market without spending a lot of money . ’
3 But er we , we had quite a difficulty , very , very difficult , we used to have to walk a long way before we could get to a telephone .
4 In the old days , when land was concentrated in the hands of the few , sensible rights of way were established between cottages tied to the Big House in order that Yeoman A could get to the pump shared with Yeoman B ; Yeoman B , hurrying about his master 's affairs , could cross Yeoman A's garden to get to the shed where the gaffer 's carts were kept .
5 He cadged fivers off various old school friends and workmates to tide him over until he could get to the bank .
6 If she could get to the main hall , she could automatically open the gates from the instrument panel by the front door .
7 Although some of these issues went beyond the main remit of his Inquiry , he drew the conclusion from this basic finding that only a national government-led initiative to deal with problems of policing , unemployment , poor housing , and racial disadvantage could get to the roots of the unrest .
8 But by crossing direct in this way she could more than halve the time to the keeper 's cottage , and this might mean that the keeper could get to the West Wood in time to capture the deer-stealers before they drove away .
9 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
10 He did suggest that Sir Archibald send out a couple of scouts to as close as they could get to the enemy camp without being noticed , to send back word of any development there .
11 I could get to the car-park in a few minutes if I wanted to and be near him , thinking of him — his problems over , lying on the brown eiderdown in his blue pyjamas .
12 FOR THEIR first UK appearance in 20 years , Germanic rockers Faust chose London 's notorious Marquee club as the venue to strut their stuff , surely the nearest equivalent they could get to the bowels of Hell !
13 They got stuck in a traffic jam , however , and were caught with tools and stolen Federal Express property before they could get to the works of art .
14 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
15 I think that is the nearest I could get to the orange .
16 I left again , before I could get to the chow I had ordered .
17 So just looking at that process , the process of making a piece of practical drama , whether it comes from text or not … the processes of assessment are very complex and far-reaching , and I think it would be very unreal to say that anybody could get to the end of that process without knowing very clearly what … the task had been , how they had approached it , how it had gone at the end really .
18 I finally said the only thing I damn well wanted was for them to leave so I could get to the hospital .
19 But er all of that was negated by the fact with the amount of fire and smoke that was on the platform , nobody could get to the lifeboats .
20 Quite an achievement but Ernie would put all that to one side if his 18-year-old son Mark could get to the top as a racer — although Mark gives every indication that he will stick with the short circuits and avoid the roads .
21 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
22 Pieces of broken plaster-board , old doors , tarpaulins and coils of rope had to be negotiated before we could get to the desk clerk .
23 As for the little animals , the gerbils , white mice and hamsters , they had to die their muddy little ploppy deaths so that I could get to the Skull of Old Saul .
24 For them , they played it on the ground , and so their forwards could get to the ball … or pressure the defence for a back pass , or a throw in .
25 I not too bothered that Scum Could get to the league cup final and FA cup final ( as long as they lose ) , I hope they do with several replays along the way .
26 No , built that and I know the guy so I could get to the plans .
27 Erm er it was current well you just sort of sw swam round in it and you could get to the side easily .
28 she must 've been holding it in because she did n't wan na wipe her bum with her hand and then you know it just burst out before she could get to the toilet .
29 Seven minutes later , Foyle clear again , this time down the right , he squared the ball back but no United players could get to the ball and Charlton cleared .
30 The manual is the nearest one could get to an International Code Sportif or Sporting Code which enables all competitively minded flyers of steerable or stunt kites to operate on identical standards .
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