Example sentences of "could only [be] used " in BNC.

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1 But although Mr Redwood agreed to allow the West German competition authorities special rights to look at sensitive mergers , he obtained a commitment from the Council of Ministers that this could only be used ‘ in exceptional circumstances ’ .
2 Hitherto there had been no provision for the mentally afflicted poor ; only licensed ‘ mad houses , , run on a private basis , which could only be used by those whose relations could afford them .
3 In Gandhi 's view , the statement ‘ son of God ’ could only be used in a figurative sense and not in a literal sense so that anyone ‘ who stands in the position of Jesus is a begotten son of God ’ .
4 Although that right had been curtailed by s 2(2) of the 1987 Act , which requires a person under investigation to answer questions from the SFO ( or otherwise furnish information ) with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation , the effect of the immunity had been preserved by s 2(8) , which provided that a statement made in accordance with s 2 could only be used in evidence against the person who made it either on a prosecution for knowingly making a false statement ( or recklessly making such ) , or on a prosecution for some other offence where , in giving evidence , that person made a statement which was inconsistent with it .
5 Despite the obstructions it was clear that aircraft did use the runway , for it was marked by the black rubber streaks of fresh tyre marks , but the two trucks , together with the yellow cross , were evidence that the runway could only be used by invitation .
6 For example where a field leading to a river could only be used according to a sign for ‘ Parking — Members of the Walton Angling Club only ’ , it would constitute a private field .
7 This treatment was of no use for aeroplanes because it could only be used when the component was small enough for the formalin to penetrate .
8 By the early 1960s , therefore , it had become accepted that fiscal and monetary policies could only be used to reduce unemployment at the expense of a deterioration in the balance of payments and a higher rate of inflation .
9 It was , again , an unsatisfactory solution , and Freud began to see that these earlier conceptualizations could only be used for a limited number of problems which arose in psychoanalysis , and that a new , more fundamental conceptualization was required .
10 To Escoffier the disadvantage of the bottled purée was that it could only be used for sauces , so he set about evolving a method which would ensure a supply of crushed tomatoes — by which he meant tomates concassées — for any dish which required them whenever the fresh fruit was unobtainable .
11 And more importantly , most rural schools do n't have electricity , so the television programmes could only be used in urban areas .
12 ‘ Guidance ’ could only be used to explain , amplify or supplement the general objectives or provisions of the Act .
13 But for N. lapillus , which does not grow as an adult ( p. 307 ) , this could only be used for immatures .
14 Though the ice-box would continue to work at sea , run off the battery , the microwave could only be used while they were hooked up to the shore power supply .
15 On Oct. 24 , 1989 , details were released of a Supreme Court ruling which qualified an earlier ruling on Oct. 3 that the government 's emergency policy of extradition by decree ( introduced in August — see p. 36844 ) was constitutional , stating that administrative measures could only be used in cases where countries requesting extradition had no extradition agreement with Colombia .
16 Unions also opposed a further government emergency measure of June 26 , creating a new wage indexing mechanism , which could only be used twice in a year and which forbade employers to pass on increased wage costs to consumers through higher prices .
17 Nobody discovered , pre-opening , that the hair-dryers provided in one luxury provincial hotel could only be used if the guests bent double or sat on the bedroom floor .
18 There were three filling stations side by side which could only be used with French credit cards , ’ said Mr Brown , a 48-year-old college lecturer , of Craven Vale .
19 He said the existing system was a throwback to the days when each borough ran its own affairs and added that for much of the time the heavy rescue unit could only be used if firemen were taken off other machines .
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