Example sentences of "could [not/n't] get [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Even Mahmoud , however , could not get them to work in the afternoons and he too , like Owen , normally used the afternoons to catch up on desk work and reading .
2 She , who had been forced to be her own person : first , by circumstances ; second , by temperament ; third ( as she fiercely told herself ) by inclination … and yet she , Jane , could not get him , Christopher , out of her mind .
3 Four men were carrying him , 4. but because of the crowd , they could not get him near .
4 And if one thing was certain , it was that she could not get him from here alone .
5 ‘ The roof was smashed in and one door was open , but we could not get him out .
6 Well , yes , I mean I can remember having a friend in Oxford who was schizophrenic and to be quite frank he needed to be certified and we could not get him to go to the doctors , and when he did he told sufficient stories that the doctor home with eye drops because he was seeing things .
7 The monsters could not get her here .
8 I could not get her to believe I had booked a Maternity Hospital for the birth of my child .
9 Her royal plane , she explained , could not get her back to Sandringham that early December night because of bad weather .
10 She was near the east bank of the River , five hundred paces south of the town , lying on a flat white rock where the crocodiles could not get her , though by the time she was discovered by a Medjay patrol at the sixth hour of day when the sun was at its highest , the vultures had eaten her eyes and part of her face , and the flies were so glutted that they could not leave the feast unless they were picked off .
11 They could not get her a new one !
12 He said he might sell it in Southampton if he could not get it on board .
13 Boys , he said , needed ‘ excitement ’ , and if they could not get it by legitimate ways then they would ‘ seek it in mischief and vice ’ .
14 He did so but could not get it to work . ’
15 She washed and scrubbed , but she could not get it off .
16 One evening , some weeks later , I took the cube apart and could not get it back together again .
17 With Alice , she could not get it right .
18 If I could not get it I became irritable . ’
19 Even then , I could not get it published .
20 They could n't get her out .
21 She could n't get her to walk even a little way from the house .
22 ‘ The main problem was that she was obsessed with the idea of telephoning — in fact , she 's still got the token in her hand , we could n't get her to part with it . ’
23 No , representative Amnesty , all for , only known he had , I think it was Ann 's and he , Ann was out he did n't get her , I thought , no it was n't you , it was Ann , and he , and he could n't get her , I do n't understand quite what 's he talking about , but anyway , I phoned the Justice and Peace Group and found they 'd already ,
24 I mean , my husband has even at one point had to come into the bathroom , when I got my mother stuck in the bath er , could n't get her out , it was , it was him or the fire brigade , tha that was the choice , basically !
25 But I could n't get her to the doctor , she would n't go .
26 I could n't get her to say more .
27 ‘ I could n't get her to say exactly , but she says she 's getting by .
28 One dog would go in , and she 'd just shake her tail and come back , and you could n't get her in afterwards because she knew that they 'd cleared off .
29 and the warden was there in her dressing gown trying to get her up and she could n't get her up this morning , so she had to get help , one of the workmen came along and helped from the top terrible to say though it is , yeah , never mind , they get over it
30 They could n't get her a new one !
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