Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We could stay a few extra days and make a holiday of it .
2 Sir Paul would be grateful if Commander Dalgliesh could spare a few minutes to see him .
3 It is clear that among the more prosperous merchants in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries there was the first beginning of a tendency towards specialization , in types of goods carried and markets exploited ; but growing trade , freer movements of peoples , no doubt enhanced the number of folk who could earn a few pennies peddling or carting .
4 ‘ Nevertheless , Mrs Atkins , I would appreciate it if you could answer a few questions down at the station … ’
5 I should be grateful if you could answer a few technical queries for me .
6 Q : Valerie has asked me if you could answer a few questions on her behalf .
7 Thus two students could attain the same marks , but the way in which the marks were interpreted depended on the perception held for each student .
8 She herself had long abandoned Highbury to be with her Miss Dinah ; not only was she devoted to the children , but she could make a little money by letting her own house .
9 No , we 've got them sort of standing up on , on the top of our book shelf I suppose I could make a few lanterns for in here for Christmas .
10 I could make a few inspired guesses that the machinery will get , not so much cheaper , although it is getting a bit cheaper , but you 'll get more for the same money — rather like calculators _ they have n't actually got very much cheaper in the last two or three years , but you get more for your fiver .
11 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
12 Clearly , he could make no more of the situation than Hazel .
13 The cattle that survived this vicious circle of pasture depletion were no doubt those that could make the most of small areas of rough grazing and it is likely that small , thrifty cattle were positively selected in preference to larger improved types which needed better feeding .
14 My mother was a cook who could make the most of three-pennyworth of meat pieces to enrich my father 's vegetables .
15 First , there were the blue-blooded man-about-town types who had perhaps not — generally speaking — enjoyed the greatest success in their commercial and professional careers , who were restless , and saw executive search as an institutionalised old-boy network , in which they could make the most of their old contacts and make money without the need for major capital investment , and who misguidedly thought that it would be an easy living .
16 We could make the same kind of comment about the lyrics : the predictable rhymes ; the clichéd phrases ( ‘ South of the Border ’ , ‘ stars above ’ , ‘ my thoughts stray ’ , ‘ she was a picture ’ , and so on ) .
17 We could make the same kind of case for clusters of compatible genes building the different parts of eyes , ears , noses , walking limbs , all the cooperating parts of an animal 's body .
18 While one could make the same use of filters for waveband selection , only Band 7 has been used , since this is the one of greatest interest for the current application .
19 Penny 's range is very impressive , and there can be few scholars who could cover the same material with such authority .
20 Even the most significant unions could recruit no more than a small fraction of the workers in their industry .
21 I quickly found one who agreed to supply me with a dozen apples for threepence as long as I could guarantee the same order every day for the next month .
22 ‘ With the money I 'm prepared to pay you for your half of the house you could buy a more than adequate little base for yourself — and still have change left to indulge in a few luxuries . ’
23 The whole job had to be finished so they could catch the same ferry back .
24 When my mother and I called on him he said that if we could wait a few days he would find the right frame and have it stove-enamelled black .
25 The very circumstance , however , which made the public schools a perfect vehicle for propaganda — their isolation , through the boarding system , from the outside world and the idiosyncratic influence of families — ensured that Dr Arnold , in his crusade for the personal salvation of his charges , could enjoy no more than a limited success .
26 The coroner then asked Mrs James if she could recognise the same man in court .
27 In the investigation of crime a considerable lapse of time between the initial investigation and the re-investigation could rob the latter of some of its usefulness .
28 They could speak the same language , but there was almost nothing else in their past that they 'd shared .
29 The back of a head pushed one of them aside and pressed so close into her face that hair came into her mouth , she could smell the less than clean hair and see the beads of dandruff .
30 Mr Mellor has never been given proper credit for showing sufficient resolution during the passage of the Broadcasting Bill to persuade his colleagues that ITV deserved to have its future determined by something more subtle than a contest to see who could stuff the most pound notes into a brown envelope earmarked for the Treasury .
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