Example sentences of "could [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he could modify his model by supposing that the gradient has its high point at the back edge of each segment , and that bristles point up the slope , and it would work just as well .
2 Whilst accepting that this is an oversimplification of a process that includes a sophisticated method of calculating relative costs ( ie the weighted factors ) , it nonetheless indicated how the further education process could be improved , assuming that Colleges could enhance their income level once the majority of constraints on local operations were removed .
3 Worker bees are three times more closely related to their full sisters than to their half sisters , so workers could enhance their fitness by raising a full sister as the new queen when the colony swarms .
4 If I owe a client a duty to increase the value of his investment portfolio then if I fail to take action which could enhance its value I am positively harming my client 's interests .
5 But now , the men on board ship above him were screaming , and with three holes fired on each side of the vessel , he gave the signal to bear away as swiftly as they could ply their paddles .
6 Hundreds of children are being forced to stay at home because its feared high winds could damage their school buildings .
7 It saddens me to think that as the elitists worry about the ‘ wrong ’ people getting into their clubs , and so tighten up their door policies , the indie kids , the hooligans , the ‘ lilac clad youths ’ are all denied the chance to hear the music that could damage their lives .
8 Yet there are strong financial and commercial arguments why , ignoring the hype , any management should take a cool , business-like approach to assessing and where possible minimising the risks that could damage their operations in terms of liability claims , disruption of output or direct financial loss .
9 The things they could learn could damage their nature in its essence .
10 They claimed the bumps could damage their vehicles .
11 Thus , whilst women who smoke may know that smoking could damage their health , there is no evidence that they experienced smoking as having any immediate impact on their self-perceived strength and fitness .
12 Medical advice is that men who drink more than 21 units a week and women who drink more than 14 units could damage their health .
13 THE brand new cars that are two years old , slimmers ' meals that are full of fat , holidays at the seaside that could damage your health .
14 writing to me could damage your health .
15 Marketing their clubs as exclusive establishments with a championship-standard course and a five star hotel-standard clubhouse , the money men felt they could pitch their joining fee at £10,000 or £25,000 and even charge £1,000 annual dues on top .
16 More importantly , the weakness of such pure positivism is that it detaches law from any rationale which could explain its bindingness .
17 It has been suggested that seasonal migrations could explain their presence , but this hypothesis is untenable .
18 If the doctrine was broken and officials could explain their views freely in public , then ministers would have the much more formidable task of making their case against men who were seized of the key counterpoints and who knew that their arguments were accepted by many in the ministry .
19 Millimetres in size , perhaps interstitial in sediments , their inability to fossilize or leave obvious traces could explain their absence from Proterozoic rocks .
20 However , if more recent species could descend from earlier ones , ancestry could explain what adaptation could not .
21 This evolution of human society could explain what mechanisms had produced the ideas , principles , and processes which governed capitalism , why these had come about , why they had strength , and , ultimately , where their weakness was .
22 What else could explain her presence now , in his car ?
23 But so far — and this may be what you 're driving at — we have n't found evidence of anything that could explain her murder . ’
24 It is unlikely that population heterogeneity could explain our results : in each population , cases and controls were carefully selected to minimize ethnic heterogeneity .
25 We already had the French and Germans with us , and we divided the remaining eighty-odd delegates between us so that on the day before the first meeting we could explain our intentions and our reasoning to as many delegates as we could find .
26 The case , heard in February 1929 , revealed that , since his association with Arsenal began in 1910 , Sir Henry had placed some £15,000 of his own money at the club 's disposal ( a bounty which could explain his campaign against rising transfer fees ) .
27 John always remained very concerned about the designing of his own ballets but was never specifically credited with responsibility for their designs , preferring to collaborate with an artist to whom he could explain his ideas and from whom he expected further ideas to enhance the final outcome .
28 They required the most sophisticated communications technology so that they could transmit their stories and pictures back to their own countries .
29 She was so enthusiastic about what she saw and liked that she could transmit her ideas even if the appeal was not immediately obvious to us .
30 However the European Commission and most E C governments refute this and contend that legislation is needed to ensure that workers are not kept in the dark about decisions taken elsewhere in the community that could affect their livelihoods .
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