Example sentences of "its way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While he has his backers the nature of Mr Birt 's shake-up at the corporation , introducing distinctly Thatcherite market-forces into an organisation at least as set in its ways as the civil service , but many times more internally political , means there are many ready to use the episode to raise other questions against him .
2 Thanks to the likes of Pam , Sam , Merlin and Sherlock the robot has worked its way off the shopfloor , out of the realms of science fiction and into hospitals and railway stations , and is about to find its way on to one or two motorway flyovers .
3 We started our 1964 test with the words : ‘ Sun-capped Dolomites and the distant roar and squeal of one of the works rally cars scrambling its way up the Gavia Pass — this is perhaps the image that some people have of the big Austin-Healey at work .
4 Tug watched the back of the police car bump its way up the track .
5 The van laboured its way up the final stretch of the brae , its engine protesting at the strain .
6 The crew hailed a fishing-skiff who gave them information that a French ship had been seen making its way up the Firth the previous day .
7 It gets into your feet , swims along your veins , surfs through your heart into the lungs , crampons its way up the rings of your windpipe , skis down your gullet and settles in your duodenum to suck your blood .
8 As our taxi made its way up the winding road to the north west of the island , we passed immaculate terraces filled with olive and citrus groves beneath which tethered goats grazed happily on the dry clumps of grass .
9 Huge bales of firewood were strapped to its back , but the donkey forced its way up the steep little path that served as a village street .
10 Vibration drives the bricks into the sand , which works its way up the joints to meet the surface sand , which is driven down the joints .
11 I watched the Land-Rover grind its way up the track till a turn of the glen hid it from sight , and in a few more moments the sound of its engine had faded to silence .
12 From Achintree Farm , the path winds its way up the side of Meall an t-Suidhe towards Loch Meall an t-Suidhe .
13 Somewhere outside , an oxcart was making its way up the steep hill upon which the Quinta de Santo António stood , and its wheels creaked and groaned abominably .
14 Sure enough , a sparkling line of firelight was twitching its way up the hill , the red gleam of flame shifting constantly in the slight breeze , and disappearing now and again as the marchers tracked up or down slopes in the road .
15 Three minutes later a curious little procession made its way up the stairs .
16 The vine clawed its way up the wall at the end .
17 Aunt Tossie pushed her chair away from the tea table and reached for her latest square of needlework — a parrot clutching its way up the husky stem of a palm tree .
18 Practically sprinting the last few yards to the cottage , he pushed inside and dumped her belongings on the kitchen table before dashing out again and after the Land Rover as it groaned and grunted its way up the track to the colonel 's house , presumably driven by the garage mechanic .
19 Keep the weight well towards the left foot and push the ball down low , letting it bobble its way up the bank .
20 He clenched his teeth fighting waves of nausea as the vehicle jostled its way up the ramps to the MID checkpoint .
21 It is now difficult to imagine it wending its way towards the City through open fields , the river itself , like so many of its mills , having long been engulfed by the suburbs .
22 This was the last mill , the brook now wending its way towards the Severn at Minsterworth .
23 As the waggon trundled on its way towards the buildings , the loader swaying atop the load , the workers and villagers danced and sang around it .
24 The area was once covered by a glacier hundreds of feet deep , carving valleys out of rock as it slowly ground its way towards the distant Tasman Sea .
25 A party of Young Conservatives , led by their national chairman , Wullie Robertson , a hairy , bearded Scot with a beer belly , wearing a T-shirt with the legend , ‘ She was stabbed in the back ’ , across it , made its way towards the exit and the real world outside .
26 Cornwall 's mines owe their existence , first and foremost , to the molten granite which forced its way toward the surface some 250 million years ago .
27 Methodism had clearly not yet achieved the success that was to come its way during the nineteenth century .
28 Heading north from Chesterfield on the road to Dronfield , with urban sprawl spreading its way along the valley of the River Drone , you would hardly guess that high on Barrow Hill a mile away stands Hagge Farm , as lost and as completely rural as anything in the country .
29 As Kelly stood watching the string , her hands sunk deep into her windcheater pockets , Harry Short 's Mercedes made its way along the gallops between the path and the road .
30 So the train bumps and farts its way along the tracks .
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