Example sentences of "its [noun pl] from the " in BNC.

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1 Each RAM chip treats its inputs from the retina as the address of one of its cells .
2 The NL had managed successfully to screen its activities from the attention of historians and political commentators to this day , but it was not so lucky with the relevant authorities .
3 Moreover , the Labour Party does not seek a mandate for its policies from the Northern Ireland electorate .
4 UK Gold is the new satellite and cable station that is n't coy about where it has got all its programmes from the archives .
5 Close ties with Performance Fabrics remain and apart from sharing the same site Tygavac buys in about 20 per cent of its products from the Courtaulds Aerospace company .
6 The overall and accelerating decline in the manufacturing sector and its sub-groups from the mid 1960s stands out .
7 Confidence is such that Walker is looking to expand its operations from the US , Canada and UK to the South East and Western Europe to — with announcements to this effect expected in the summer .
8 Confidence is such that Walker is looking to expand its operations from the US , Canada and UK to the South East and Western Europe — with announcements to this effect expected in the summer .
9 The Church of Ireland withdrew its schools from the plan which threatened that church 's dominance over the primary sector .
10 Leicestershire is the only county to account for its distributions from the TCCB on a cash as opposed to an accruals basis .
11 He gave the example of a two-year Community Skills course in a local college that drew its recruits from the special schools .
12 The fishermen will get all this information for nothing : the fisheries information centre receives its funds from the government and fishing organisations .
13 The IFC borrows most of its funds from the World Bank but it also raises money from private capital markets .
14 It lived in freshwater lakes in southern Pangaea in the later Permian , and became less of a sprawler , swinging its limbs from the shoulders to the hips , thus lengthening its stride .
15 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
16 He was a co-founder of the CNAC , involved in programming the Centre 's activities and looking after its collections from the early days .
17 During 1990 and the first half of 1991 relations altered dramatically with the Soviet Union , which , struggling with momentous internal political and economic problems , made major cuts in its aid programme to Vietnam , and a cutback in the Soviet naval and air base at Cam Ranh Bay ; in October 1990 the Soviet ambassador to Vietnam announced that the Soviet Union had started to withdraw its troops from the base .
18 The attack came only a few hours after the Thai Interior Minister , Gen. Issarapong Noonpakdi , had issued a " last warning " to the Myanman military to withdraw all its troops from the Thai side of the border .
19 Prussia became aware that it had lost parity with its allies from the Napoleonic years and determined to catch up by creating a series of technical schools — later to include Danzig 's Technical High School for boys and the famous Conradinum — and by beginning to investigate and research industrial techniques .
20 The enraged animal freed its antlers from the brambles and with a springing bound , crashed into Yanto 's protective cage of saplings .
21 This magic draws its powers from the land , and is concerned with the manipulation of chill , frost , and biting winds .
22 The Financial Times said the acquisition represent a significant step towards the Royal Bank 's goal of generating at least 10 per cent of its earnings from the US .
23 The Belfast branch , for instance , with 700 members , draws its officers from the civil service , the Electricity Board , local software houses and the University of Ulster .
24 It is therefore vital that there be some concept of inheritance , whereby a chunk takes its properties from the chunk that linked to it .
25 But the Social Charter has been seriously weakened in the process of bargaining which preceded its adoption — particularly because of the opposition to all of its provisions from the Conservative government in Britain .
26 Its orders from the United Nations … shoot first , and ask questions later … if that 's what it takes to enforce the naval blockade of the former Yogoslavia .
27 The value of A 2 is a measure of solvent-polymer compatibility , as the parameter reflects the tendency of a polymer segment to exclude its neighbours from the volume it occupies .
28 The American-owned burger chain will give a slice of its profits from the extra sales to cathedral funds .
29 Given that the company received about 20 per cent of its profits from the government 's ‘ export compensation ’ , such acquiescence was not surprising .
30 Women left behind by the emigrants , ‘ widows ’ who had not heard from their husbands for decades , daughters growing up without fathers , without grandfathers , without brothers -once they too were old enough to leave — were hungry for men , everyone knew that , and the law made its profits from the devils — Greed and Lust and Envy — that scampered among humans playing a deadly tag in which all the players are caught and brought down , one by one .
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