Example sentences of "its [noun pl] into the " in BNC.

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1 I am sure neither the record company nor Symbols And Instruments share my view , but wait until the mass media gets its claws into the return of the underground .
2 The whole structure was now owned by the municipality of Jaffa and the museum hoped to extend its galleries into the rest of the building when money was made available .
3 Meanwhile the Serious Fraud Squad is continuing its investigations into the company 's affairs .
4 The MP 's motion and three parliamentary questions directed at the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , allege the copy was given to the fraud squad to help its investigations into the successful £615million bid for Fraser by the Fayed brothers in 1985 .
5 An RAF board of inquiry is continuing its investigations into the fire .
6 A board of enquiries begun its investigations into the tragedy on the Isle of Harris .
7 The cat is transfixed by this appealing sight and pounces , sinking its teeth into the prey .
8 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
9 The mountain dug its heels into the draff
10 THE Government whipped its supporters into the Lords last night to defeat a final attempt by Labour to give shareholders the right to decide on company donations to political parties .
11 The normal tendency of such a ‘ preparation ’ ( biologists ' speak for an animal to which they have done something nasty , akin to the use of the term ‘ sacrifice , that I commented on earlier ) is to extend its legs into the liquid bath .
12 Until last summer that is , when the relentless Serbian onslaught pounded its homes into the ground .
13 Why trim the grass so short that not even a goat could get its incisors into the chlorophyl ?
14 Getting its feet into the black binliner is difficult but I manage by laying it down on its stomach and pretending to play this little piggy with its toes till it goes into its silly reverse-crawl routine .
15 He immediately set off to hand the purse and its contents into the Clansford club office and there he found a distressed but very grateful Mrs Edie Moon ( 82 ) , Clansford 's oldest supporter .
16 Their movement dislodged a stone beer jar that rolled into a small depression and began glug-glugging its contents into the soil .
17 Jamie snaps open the capsule and sprinkles its contents into the palm of his hand .
18 Stratus expects its OEM deal with IBM to continue to generate around 15% of its reveunes , but wants to grow ICL plc sales of its machines into the commercial sector .
19 erm The police have often described themselves as erm in the following way , that society throws its problems into the dustbin and asks the policeman to sit on the lid .
20 Again , like Hambros , Barclays found that ‘ an awful lot of work ’ had to go into converting its figures into the common format agreed for the exercise .
21 Somehow we survived it all , just as I have survived 20 years of a lead-piped water supply and a further 20 years as an adult working in a concrete hut insulated on the inside with sprayed-on asbestos ; to say nothing of a like period supervising students using the Haldane gas analysis apparatus , a machine that not infrequently spewed mercury from its taps into the air , whence it fell onto the bench , or sometimes the floor , to be duly swept up by the lab boy at the end of the session for recovery .
22 and flipped its passengers into the water .
23 Now it is hoping to take shares in another quartet of carriers and to spread its wings into the world 's biggest single airline market , the United States .
24 The organization of bureaucracy educated its members into the proper fulfilment of their duties ( Perez-Diaz 1978 , p. 12 ) .
25 AT last , it seems that the farming soap has been pulled by its wellies into the 20th century .
26 Moreover , if the Labour Party really threw its energies into the task of winning support in Northern Ireland there is no telling what might happen .
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