Example sentences of "its [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 From the beginning , the Association limited its activities to the 21 small towns in the region and , effectively , to the main settlements within this group ( Garbett-Edwards 1972 ) .
2 Why should the department suddenly have directed its policies to the benefit of the inner city ?
3 Like any faculty , the psychic sense is more prominent if it is used and If the society in which an individual lives is conducive in its attitudes to the encouragement of such ability .
4 After the consultation period has ended the NRA will submit its proposals to the secretary of state for the environment , who will set the standards and decide on necessary improvements .
5 On 7 August 1936 the NAC put its proposals to the Labour Party , the Communist Party and the Co-operative Party , but received no support .
6 When it was privatised , the prospectus projected a £10.2 million loss for the first year ( which in fact was 16 months long to take its accounts to the calendar year-end ) .
7 The EC runs a trade surplus with Eastern Europe and its exports to the region rose faster in 1992 than its imports from it .
8 Czechoslovakia performed best , its exports to the Community — mainly of steel , cars , raw materials and farm produce — rising from $1.8 billion in 1989 to $1.3 billion in 1992 .
9 Japan would " monitor its exports to the EC as a whole in accordance with a forecast level of exports in 1999 of 1,230,000 [ cars ] , based on the assumption of demand in the EC of 15,100,000 " in that year .
10 It took its products to the southern USA , where lightweight machinery ( in which it then specialised ) was particularly suitable because soil conditions were sandier and so easier to work .
11 An international company is likely to rely on agents to sell its products to the country 's markets .
12 It has become evident since the second oil shock that the major incentive to energy efficiency is a pricing policy where price is directly related to real cost and value , in other words passing on the rising cost of oil and its products to the end consumer .
13 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari has said on many occasions , in his campaign for a free-trade agreement , that if Mexico can not send its products to the United States , it will send its people instead .
14 Meanwhile , Iomega has enhanced its products to the same drive to work with Unix , Apple Macintosh and personal computers machines , has also made its drives work with the NeXT Inc and Silicon Graphic Inc 's boxes via interfaces .
15 He said Apscore was one of the first companies to port its products to the Pick look-alike databases UniVerse and UniData , and now the Sun agreement will let them better support these products on Sun hardware .
16 So , a car manufacturer sells its products to the customer .
17 Also , the tribunal referred in its reasons to the fact that the employee had convictions for similar offences in the past and the employer had given no warnings that repetition could lead to dismissal .
18 Its returns to the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the year 1893 showed a deficit of £pound2,243 .
19 And he conducted its meetings to the sound of his guitar , singing to his fellow-students suitable — and unsuitable ! — songs and ditties .
20 Stennis Head gives away few of its secrets to the casual passer-by .
21 The European Court frequently refers in its judgments to the preambles of legal texts for this purpose .
22 The practice of the Court of Appeal ( Civil Division ) is to confine its judgments to the facts of the instant case .
23 It surely ought to consider moving its operations to the Strand in their entirety .
24 Reminds you of the US Interstate Highway system and the way it instantly snarled as soon as Washington residents tried to exit en masse during the riots of the late 1960s , does n't it … that blizzard coming on top of the New York World Trade Center bombing was just the kind of disaster the disaster recovery industry has been dreading : according to the New York Times , a heavy accumulation of snow caused the roof of the computer centre in Clifton , New Jersey that supports 5,000 automatic teller machines US-wide , 6% of the total , to collapse , putting the machines out of action — and the centre could n't transfer its operations to the North Bergen , New Jersey site where it had disaster recovery facilities arranged — because the site was full up with work transferred by Trade Center tenants …
25 Ilog SA , the french engineering software specialist , is expanding its operations to the UK starting up Ilog Ltd , Guilford , Surrey , to provide maintenance and support for its UK users .
26 The best way to mimic an earthquake is to place a building on a shaking table which subjects its Foundations to the same force as the acceleration of the ground during an earthquake .
27 Furthermore , like Zambia , the country is now heavily in arrears with the IMF which in 1990 declared Sudan ‘ non-cooperative ’ for failing to repay its debts to the Fund .
28 That is the way for the South to grow and pay off its debts to the banks of the North .
29 In the next two months it will hand over many of its roles to the British Horse Racing Board and racing in this country will certainly never be the same again .
30 What we know of the family shows that it enjoyed its privileges to the full , and shared a positive and happy lifestyle , without hardship , yet without vaunted excess — a balanced lifestyle , despite his indispositions .
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