Example sentences of "year before the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For many years before the Uprising a level of Palestinian protest in the territories had been normal , comprising occasional violent attacks on Jews , stone throwing and occasional shutdowns and demonstrations .
2 At the time of Stalin 's death , some two years before the signing of the Treaty , the USSR 's European clients maintained at Soviet behest over 1.5 million men under arms ( half again as many as today ) , supervised by thousands of Soviet ‘ advisers ’ posted down to regimental level and , particularly in Hungary and Poland , by Soviet Commanders in East European uniform .
3 In 1975 , the year after the fall of Haile Selassie , and four years before the fall of the Shah , the witness of revolutions turned up in Angola for the abandonment of their colony by the Portuguese : the subject of the third of these books of his .
4 It dates from about 1390 BC , just a few years before the fall of the Labyrinth on the plain below .
5 St. John 's was in fact rebuilt ten years before the sack , but it survived remarkably well , and its stained glass existed up until the eighteenth century when Stukeley records its removal .
6 It is a private restaurant opened a couple of years before the revolution by Christian and Marina Stolzenburg .
7 Thus , for hundreds of years before the formation of the first Yugoslav state in 1918 , the South Slav peoples were subjected to different forms of political and cultural pressure .
8 He 'd been corresponding with a local cricket scribe for five years before the trip and had recruited two current Test cricketers in Roy Minnett and Gerry Hazlitt , the dashing Dockers , Cyril and Philip , and an adonis figure in Norman Ebbsworth .
9 The ring of gas in Supernova 1987A was not created in the explosion but ejected from the progenitor star a few thousand years before the explosion .
10 Later , the star evolved into a blue supergiant , just a few thousand years before the explosion .
11 Dates are expressed in radiocarbon years before the present ( AD 1950 ) , using the half-life of 5,568 years .
12 The charcoal made it possible to get a carbon-14 date on the deposit , giving an age of about 10 770 years before the present .
13 It sent her jubilee greeting throughout the empire in a powerful demonstration that the global village was a possibility , some 14 years before the birth of its future prophet Marshall McLuhan .
14 The tide would carry them inland at least two miles and possibly three before they were beached on the first low ridge that had been the coastline a million years before the birth of Christ .
15 The same may be said for Confucianism , which has dominated Chinese philosophical thinking from times BOO years before the birth of Christ .
16 By 1917 , the year that he first came into contact with Sartre , the very year that Lenin was establishing a new revolutionary Soviet state , three years before the birth of the French communist party , this future activist of the French Left was in the throes of a major personal crisis brought about by the demise of his father .
17 He has been told he has only months to live , but the case could take two years before the Court of Session in Edinburgh .
18 Zeta 's administrative separation from Serbia began with the break-up of Tsar Dušan 's empire , some thirty years before the battle of Kosovo .
19 He used a basic time range , later extended , of nine years , checking bibliographic coverage for 4 years before the base year , and four years afterwards .
20 The information recorded on the birth certificate refers to one point in time — when the child 's birth was registered — whereas the information reported at interview refers to a period of employment of three months or longer , at any time from three years before the child 's birth up until diagnosis .
21 About two years before the Government Offices competition , he met Henry H. Hofland , who worked for W. B. Moffatt after the break-up of the latter 's partnership with Scott .
22 The poem was published several years before the incident .
23 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
24 America 's productivity growth in the 50 years before the depression averaged about 2% a year .
25 There was such a thing as ‘ piped ’ entertainment into the home , 27 years before regular radio , 41 years before regular television broadcasts , and some 87 years before the advent of cable television .
26 After all , this World Cup did not get on the road until two years before the event .
27 ( v ) The prisoner is then informed of the date for the first review , and that this is three years less than the tariff if the first review is to be held less than 17 years before the date of his sentence .
28 If he can prove that it has been exercised for 20 years before the date of an action , it will be presumed that it has existed from ’ time immemorial ’ .
29 With two years before the opening of World Cup ‘ 94 there is an immense amount of work to be done .
30 But such songs were no novelties even at court entertainments in Florence and we have the melody and bass of a song composed by Piero Strozzi and sung by Giulio Caccini ( 1550–1610 ) in a masque for the wedding of Francesco I two years before the publication of Galilei 's Dialogo , in which Strozzi was supposed to be one of the interlocutors .
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