Example sentences of "year has [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Magee 's 30-year-old sister , Kathleen , who for several years has lived in a redbrick Victorian terrace house in Northumberland Street , Derby , with her seven-year-old son , Christopher , was being held last night .
2 The most spectacular change in mortality rates over the past 150 years has related to deaths within the first year of life — the infant mortality rate .
3 The narrow emphasis on economy and efficiency which characterised the Thatcher years has broadened into a search for effectiveness and excellence as the current enthusiasm for quality in health care demonstrates .
4 Research over the last sixty years has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that , for many people , unemployment is responsible for deterioration in mental and physical health .
5 Nigel Mansell , who for several years has ranked among the top two or three racing drivers in the world , is simply pushing himself harder than most .
6 The development of retirement counselling in recent years has arisen from the significant numbers of retiring people who soon encounter severe personal problems .
7 Secondly , much effort over the years has gone into education for road safety , though the concentration on advice to adult pedestrians and training for children has the unfortunate effect of apparently placing on the victim the principal responsibility for avoiding an accident .
8 Lastly , again does it not occur to us that niggardly education provision over years has contributed to a level of national vulgarity , taste , social behaviour virtually unacceptable in the modern world ?
9 A FIRM which moved from London to Liverpool and doubled turnover in each of the past three years has moved to a prestige waterfront office block .
10 Farr-Jones has not only proven himself to be the world 's leading scrum-half , but his captaincy over the past four years has grown in maturity and stature with each test and tour match .
11 The role of Treasurer over the years has grown from overseeing simple book-keeping to an extensive involvement and the contributions of Leslie Wise , A.J. Chapman , Albert ( Bert ) Ford and currently Jim Grey , have been valuable indeed and it is not surprising that Arthur Chapman felt the work was too demanding for an Honorary Treasurer , although what each does might vary depending on what bias the secretary brings to his post .
12 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
13 While British surfing in recent years has developed into Day-Glo sporting fantasy , into pipeline boasts in city pubs , and into Newquay , Newquay , Newquay — booming as the ‘ surf capital ’ of Britain — these boys have looked to carve a different route .
14 However , the inner city depopulation of recent years has led to falling rolls in city schools and the consequent rationalisation of local education has caused certain Board schools to become redundant , releasing them for alternative uses .
15 The availability of water is the main constraint on food production and while traditional shifting cultivation and nomadic practices are inherently conservation-oriented , the trend towards permanent cultivation and settled herding over the last 50 years has led to widespread environmental change .
16 There is a distinct paucity of entirely new courses to mention , but the ‘ work in hand ’ element of Nelson 's various acquisitions over the years has led to Workout at intermediate and upper intermediate level ( née Collins ) , as well as Nelson 's own Distinction , a new post-FCE course some of the exercises in which follow the format of the CAE exam .
17 The deregulation of the financial sector over recent years has led to a significant increase in bank lending to industry .
18 Corinne Mercardier , photographer , draughtswoman and sculptress , who in recent years has concentrated on landscape , continues her explorations in scenes from her everyday life .
19 The only significant advance in guitar design , per se , in the last thirty years has come from Ned Steinberger .
20 He said : My impression is that what has been going on over a period of years has come from , or been led by , a small mafia group of MI5 who have contacts outside in one or two sections of the press , and a few self-appointed private enterprise security agents .
21 Perhaps the most satisfactory music in recent years has come from writers involved in the liturgy of a particular community , effectively as composers-in-residence , Among those in Britain writing for the Roman Catholic Church may be mentioned Stephen Dean , Philip Duffy , Bernadette Farrell , Paul Inwood , Alan Rees , Bill Tamblyn and Christopher Walker .
22 The only really significant inroad into the dominance of English in recent years has come from Spanish in the southern states of the US .
23 An increasing share of overseas earnings over the last 20 years has come from the sale of the dwindling assets of oil and natural gas .
24 This former schoolmaster and magistrate of 18 years has sat with 50 mediums 130 times to further his quest for knowledge about what we might call ‘ the other side ’ .
25 It is impossible to recognize in the poet thus characterized — ‘ precious ’ , ‘ insulate ’ , ‘ toylike ’ — the William Carlos Williams whom American opinon over the last thirty years has promoted as a respectable , and better than respectable , counterweight to Eliot .
26 If nothing catches the eye , walk a few blocks to West 47th street , between Fifth and Sixth Avenues , to browse at the Gotham Book Mart ( ’ Wise men fish here , ’ says the sign ) , which , for 70 years has specialised in literature and arts .
27 Bill Cash is a lawyer who for many years has specialised in constitutional issues , not least that of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution .
28 Economic history/development over the last two hundred years has resulted in 90 per cent of the world 's manufacturing capacity being situated in the North , thus enabling it to control world trade , investment and financial resources .
29 For example , the change in the sex ratio of recent years has resulted in fewer women remaining single , but single women were heavily relied on in certain social fields , as teachers , social workers , nurses and residential staff ; a shortage could have a marked effect on the staffing position in these fields .
30 The expansion of the past few years has resulted in the majority of subjects now reaching a size at which they are academically viable in terms of staffing and the portfolio of courses they can offer .
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