Example sentences of "year [subord] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 There is no intention to review the announcement on the Scottish regiments , but there is at least two years until the first amalgamations and the hon. Gentleman will be aware that the Scottish ones will take place at the end of the process .
2 It is 2 years since the first edition of this booklet was printed and during this time there has been an enormous increase in interest in the use of LM potencies .
3 The simplest reason for the disappointing subscription is that the novelty of a kitchen maid poet had dissipated in the four years since the first subscription , especially among the gentry around Brackley who might now observe Philip Leapor enjoying the fruits of the first volume .
4 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
5 It is exactly 40 years since the first record sales charts were compiled to determine who was top of the pops .
6 It is seventeen years since the first Baselitz retrospective , which was also held in Munich .
7 It is intriguing to speculate , as you stand in a swamp listening to this astounding and deafening chorus , that , although much must have changed in the millions of years since the first amphibians appeared , it was , nonetheless , an amphibian voice that first sounded over the land which , until then , had heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects .
8 It found that in the 3 years since the first survey , crime had moved from third place to the top of people ‘ s list of problems affecting their neighbourhood .
9 It 's exactly 20 years since the first United National Conference on Environment and Development took place in Stockholm .
10 As we have attempted in our previous books on further education succinctly to summarize the chief characteristics of the polytechnics , we intend therefore to restrict ourselves to a discussion of the ways in which they have developed in the three years since the first edition of this book was written .
11 In the years since the First World War , trucks had come to transport 100 million tons of farm produce per annum directly to the cities .
12 The role of the scientific journal has not changed much in the 300 years since the first was published , although greater dependence is placed on it than ever before , according to Osburn[000] .
13 It was only 50 years since the first white settlement had been established at Port Jackson , and , although some semblance of order and ‘ civilisation ’ existed in the larger towns like Sydney , many of the outposts were still dangerous places to visit .
14 It is 25 years since the first Awards were made and a fitting celebration has been planned : * Each winner in 1990 will receive a special plaque as a permanent mark of their success * A special set of four Royal Mail postage stamps will be issued in April , when the Awards are announced .
15 It 's a hundred and thirty years since the first of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland was created .
16 There are several ways to save for school fees but whichever method you choose it is best to start eight to 10 years before the first child enters school .
17 In fact , both were deposited many millions of years before the first pine tree grew on earth .
18 After the death and resurrection of Jesus , the stories about his life were passed on by word of mouth for some thirty years before the first Gospel was written .
19 Our study shows that the increase in anal cancer incidence started 20–25 years before the first AIDS patient in Denmark was diagnosed in 1981 .
20 His gallantry in the ensuing conflict won him the MC , but he was killed while crossing the Sambre and Oise canal near Ors in the early morning of 4 November — one week before the armistice , and two years before the first volume of his work was published .
21 The BB , a church-based , inter-denominational youth movement , was started twenty-five years before the first Boy Scouts appeared on the scene .
22 Last year it introduced its second-generation Legend saloon just four years after the first model was launched .
23 Photosynthesis probably began to evolve about half a billion years after the first living things appeared — about three billion years ago — and so the process of oxygenating the atmosphere began .
24 The building was eventually completed in 1880 , over 300 years after the first stone had been laid .
25 Thus it was n't for many years after the first inhibitor experiments were reported that I actually got around to test their effects myself .
26 Twenty-five years after the first American soldiers went into Vietnam , fifteen years after the falls of Saigon and Phnom Penh , the issue of Vietnam — Vietnam was America 's war ; now it belongs to the world .
27 A RUINED castle is to be rebuilt , 750 years after the first brick of its historic predecessor was laid on the banks of the River Mersey .
28 The OECD stated in late 1983 that acid rain damage represents 3 to 5% of the European Community Gross National Product — or between £33 billion and £44 billion per year while the first joint step to combat air pollution in the European Community came in March 1984 when Environment Ministers agreed that new industrial plants could not be built without authorization relating to specific limits for industrial emissions .
29 An analysis by the Council for the Protection of Rural England ( CPRE ) showed that less than a year after the first structural concrete was poured , the project was already £136 million over budget .
30 The year before the first one-day tournament took place , 1962 , saw the end of the distinction between amateur and professional cricketers , between gentlemen and players .
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