Example sentences of "some of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , never mind them , I do n't think some of the first-class London sides would survive .
2 If the relatively steep dips of some of the exposed reverse faults were to continue deep into the crust , the region to the south could legitimately be regarded as unprospective .
3 The spotted eagle owl and European eagle owl assemblages again have more damage than other species , and the kestrel and hen harrier , together with the short-eared owl and some of the mammalian carnivores , are more extreme still .
4 Anyway , Nigel , who loved trout , used to drain the millpond from time to time to rid it of some of the accumulated silt and then just pick them up .
5 You may not have anything of significance which you can discover , but you should at least give some thought to it ; for what we are doing is to clear through , in order to clear away , some of the accumulated emotional jumble of the years .
6 Hanson has been built up into one of Britain 's leading companies over a period of twenty years based on an acquisition philosophy which involves a reduction in the acquired company 's bureaucracy , devolution of responsibility to local managers , a tight control of capital expenditure and a disposal of some of the peripheral assets which are not part of the company 's ‘ core activities ’ .
7 Agriculture in the south has been restricted to stock-raising , mostly for the local consumption of whaling communities , on some of the peripheral and cool temperate islands .
8 In the case to which Gourevitch is referring , it seems , in a pluralist description , that the existing , formal authority is actually less modern than some of the peripheral strata .
9 Some of the foregoing have survived to the present day — Pyneford ( Pineford ) , Langlay ( Langley ) , North , le Bret ( Bret and Brett ) , whose meanings are obvious , Piket ( Picot , Pykett , Piggott , etc. , from the Old French personal name Pic ) , Bekeford ( Beckford , from the Middle English bekke = brook , and ford ) , de Reyney ( Rainey , etc. , perhaps from Regny in the Loire ) , Keneman ( Kinman , from cyna = cow , and mann , thus a herdsman ) .
10 Though some of the foregoing indicates diversity , the questions they raise are common to all teachers :
11 The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes .
12 Although insufficient to provide the full service , these bogie cars were worked hard on the main line and sometimes worked to Thornton Heath but never to Addiscombe or Penge , where they might have been too long for some of the passing loops on these lines .
13 These opium-induced trances may have produced states of awareness and revelation which explain some of the fantastic imagery of Minoan religious art , and which may even go some way towards explaining the extraordinary architectural achievements of the temple-builders .
14 Editor , — Though we agree with Fritz H Schröder that some of the intriguing scientific questions about the natural course of prostatic cancer could be answered in a randomised controlled trial of screening , we are concerned that the possible adverse effects of screening may be arguments against such an exercise .
15 And some of the fragrant molecules are inhaled , thus stimulating smell receptors connected to the part of our brains which control our emotions , well-being and many other bodily functions .
16 I rubbed some of the fragrant perfume my master used into my neck and cheeks , borrowed his best cambric shirt , cloak and hood , and slunk back to the courtyard .
17 We have ended some of the petty things like routine censorship of letters , and we have increased family visits .
18 A consequence had been the loss of some of the not-so-bright children of local tradespeople or farmers ( who now looked to the independent schools ) , and some alleged decline in the social standing of the school within the town .
19 Some of the overall costs are due to meat inspections , but not all of them .
20 Some of the immediate , pressing problems were resolved only on the day of his appointment .
21 In the short term , disappointment at this result may be tempered by the knowledge that we do not yet have the burden of the large numbers of additional students already taken by some of the immediate winners in this competition .
22 Secondly you must consider the environment within which the work is done ; is it based on PCs or is there a free choice of machines , will data files come from one program or many and are they the same type are just some of the immediate questions here .
23 She considers the studios a supportive and professional working environment which , with the additional opportunity to make exchange visits to studios abroad — last year she spent several months in Russia — has alleviated some of the immediate pressures on leaving college .
24 This Report focuses on some of the immediate problems , and suggests some possible solutions , but it must be emphasised that no single component of RBGE can hope to deal with all of these issues .
25 For the sauce you make a roux , taking a knob of butter , an equivalent weight of flour and the saffron , and dissolving them in a bain-marie ; then add some of the warm mussel juice slowly , stirring all the time .
26 Over the last seven years to the end of 1991 , some of the emerging markets have realised quite startling returns : Turkey 3,124% in dollar terms , Chile 2,831% and Mexico 1,978% .
27 I 'd much rather see a bright young woman around the place , than some of the desiccated fuddy-duddy men we meet . ’
28 When plastered and complete , it still could n't keep sound out entirely , as those walls which butt up to the party wall ( flanking walls ) would still carry some of the unwanted noise into your house .
29 We shall add , however , another treatment of the model , due to Zener , which brings out some of the thermodynamic aspects .
30 However , after reading several copies of Ideal Home , I felt inspired to paint and decorate using some of the striking designs and techniques illustrated in the magazine .
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