Example sentences of "some [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The euphoria of that summer gripped radicals of various persuasions : some sought merely to serve the peasantry , with no clear political goal ; some hoped to lay the foundations for a conscious peasant socialist movement ; others shared the hope of the veteran anarchist , M. A. Bakunin ( 1814–76 ) , that it would be possible to ignite immediate peasant rebellion .
2 Some tried already to sleep .
3 It was her single-mindedness in keeping the show perfect that resulted in some very blunt speaking which some found hard to take .
4 Socialists differed among themselves over how far their party 's commitment to the Republic should go , some looking merely to strengthen ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ while others regarded the Republic as the anteroom to socialism .
5 Some showed neatly dressed Annamese families smiling from the doorways of houses set in small gardens beside groves of rubber trees .
6 Fluctuations in market prices of some produce also make it difficult to assess an economic threshold to time sprays .
7 Some needed only to know that we existed — that was enough for them to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the gay life .
8 On the immediate constitutional front , corruption was attacked ; virtual representation was no longer seen as enough ; and whilst some attacked the rights of landed property in politics urging the principle that every man of means should be directly represented , some went further to attack the political privilege of all property arguing for the " rights of man " , complete equality , and a democratic republic based on the true sovereignty of all the people .
9 Aquino 's decision to press the case — and to undergo a ferocious and lengthy cross-examination — was seen by some to have needlessly exposed her already tarnished public image to further damage , whilst others applauded it as further proof of the tenacious courage which she had displayed in opposing Marcos .
10 It was also a source of fees for more distant associates and although such relationships were more vulnerable to dynastic change , because less bound up with the territorial dominance of the lord of Middleham , some did nevertheless survive the transfer of power in 1471 .
11 It was also a source of fees for more distant associates and although such relationships were more vulnerable to dynastic change , because less bound up with the territorial dominance of the lord of Middleham , some did nevertheless survive the transfer of power in 1471 .
12 I read a great deal of poetry , especially the Romantics , learning long passages by heart , and found some solace there to lift me above the sordid realities of everyday life .
13 Not surprisingly , ‘ nihilistic views ’ were intensifying among young people ; they were becoming politically disorientated , and some had even argued that it was ‘ time to call to account the Communists who had supposedly ‘ humanised ’ the country 's life after 1917' .
14 Yet here , on the verge of the Lowlands , most of the gentry had hedged their bets ; some had even entertained the Butcher as he progressed triumphally from one massacre to the next and had then bought over the gutted glens and stocked them with the great sheep .
15 One or two , accompanied by a wife and children , had seemed to regard the tournament as an opportunity for a free family holiday ; and some had even managed to miss the halfway cut , to the great embarrassment of all concerned , except probably Mike Martinez whose twenty-five per cent commission was safe whatever happened .
16 The walls were lined with layers of raincoats of a uniform dun , as though their colours had run together ; they went back years — some had even belonged to her father and were so stiff and cracked that they could have stood unsupported .
17 We discovered that some had already found their way through our boots and were making a tasty meal out of our feet .
18 Some had already left because pay was so far in arrears .
19 At least 72 of our sample left the printing trade during the war years , according to the records mostly in 1916–17 , although it seems likely that some had already left , since the city 's book trade went into immediate depression on the outbreak of war .
20 He had not seen any of them in the papers , so some had probably replied personally .
21 Some had nowhere to live apart from crowded dormitory rooms , even after getting married .
22 The world communist movement , meanwhile , had virtually collapsed as an organised force , and individual parties had lost ground in nearly all the countries in which they had a legal existence ( some had simply disappeared ) .
23 Some had perhaps over-emphasised the needs of the Sixth Form at the expense of other pupils .
24 Some had never had a job because they 'd looked after their mams and dads .
25 Some held bloody cutlasses drooping in their hands .
26 Indeed , even in the as yet relatively non-totalitarian welfare states of the West some have already discerned the same paternalistic and enslaving trend : ‘ government 's role is to serve as a parent charged with the duty of coercing some to aid others , ’ while government-funded welfare programmes ‘ put some people in a position to decide what is good for other people .
27 Once one-person-one-vote is accepted , some have already signalled a willingness to surrender much of their power .
28 I know that some have already taken the plunge and purchased shares in privatised utilities , and I trust that they will encourage their colleagues to do likewise .
29 CCG are recruiting about 70 staff to run the site , and some have already started working on site security and other services during the mobilisation phase .
30 He said yesterday : ‘ Everywhere I 've gone , fans have asked me to do well against Roma , and some have just tried to touch me .
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