Example sentences of "when he [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 He could n't remember quite when he had first visited the shop but , like Wimbledon itself , it had always been there .
2 When he had first examined me , my GP had suggested vitamins and we discussed the facts that I had n't smoked for years and that , on the whole , my food was n't too bad .
3 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
4 The doctor , when he had first seen her , had awakened a creature deep within him that he had thought would sleep for ever — until the day he died .
5 But then , as Christian acidly remarked , his friend Edouard was a man of many parts — not just one , which he had suspected when he had first met Edouard in London .
6 Now that he was a man he was no more capable of working unsupervised than when he had first come to the farm at the age of twelve .
7 He told me how , when he had first moved there , the local MP had written to him congratulating him on his climbing and mentioning that he had had a one-legged uncle who climbed .
8 Perhaps they had been loaded on the train many hours before Holly , because they seemed to him to be sleeping when he had first seen them in the darkened carriage .
9 He did n't add that when he had first telephoned them they had n't wanted to know .
10 Talbot moved out on the port wing , looked aft , saw that the blazing plane — there was no mistaking the flames now — was due astern , at less than half the height and distance than when he had first seen it , returned to the bridge , told Harrison to steer due north , then turned again to Van Gelder .
11 Sherek recalled how nervous and agitated he seemed at the first reading with the actors — just as he had been when he had first shown the play to Sherek .
12 He remembered how Minch had spoken to him like this when he had first come to the Cages .
13 Their host , Douglas , had used it when he had first arrived .
14 When he had first come to Maythorpe House as an ignorant thirteen-year-old who had never before lived in anything grander than a tiny gardener 's cottage , he had felt awed and frightened , and unable to grasp that this huge place was now his home .
15 Bob could remember his own loneliness and isolation when he had first come down and started work on the paper .
16 He felt comfortable now watching the black faces on the pavement , screwed up against the drizzle , but remembered his resentment when he had first learned of his posting .
17 She was longer in the bath and quicker out of church than when he had first known her .
18 He remembered the release he had felt when he had first heard the teachings of Akhenaten , which had cut away the rotten trappings of the old beliefs , festooned as they were with the cynical speculation of the priests .
19 Already the features were changing as moisture was drawn out of the flesh , but remembering how Iritnefert had looked when he had first seen her , he could understand how the two girls could be confused .
20 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
21 She was sure his parents had thought she was precisely that , when he had first taken her home to meet them .
22 That he had begun to make them when he had first discovered that letter on Eleanor 's word-processor , and was following them with absolutely dogged determination .
23 Bobby Anscombe , who had reacted badly when he had first heard of the deaf-aid idea , was forced to admit at the end that it might work .
24 She took the memory of it upstairs to bed with her , but all the time that she wrote she could see him sitting there as he had been when he had first lit the lamp , his face full of an old pain .
25 When he had first come to Egypt Garvin had insisted that he stay with an Arab family perfecting his Arabic .
26 He stated , correctly in my view , that he had quote seen her much more than anybody else unquote and confessed that when he had first treated her on the day of the accident he had quote never expected to see her again , unquote .
27 In the split-second when he had first mentioned marriage , Ashley had harboured the giddy irrational notion that he might next be going to say he loved her .
28 He felt the same surge of excitement , the same strong sexual awareness , he had felt when he had first held this sepia photograph in the early days of the summer .
29 Goalkeeper Alan Main fumbled a Glynn Snodin corner and , in the process , allowed Baird to scramble home his tenth goal of the season after John Robertson had failed to connect when he got first bite at the cherry .
30 When he 'd first been taken poorly , Baby had been driven in an ambulance from one hospital to another .
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