Example sentences of "when [pron] went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And when I came , when I went up stairs .
2 He was there when I went across the yard yesterday .
3 One was strange , because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all ; I hardly knew her and only saw her on the rare occasions when I went into her family shop two or three hundred yards from us .
4 When I went into Panama I needed a visa , I went in without a visa .
5 He said : ‘ When I went into the Leeds dressing room to say kick-off had been delayed , the reaction of their management and players was not as I believe it should be .
6 I could n't believe it when I went into the shop and saw hundreds of milk bottles scattered everywhere .
7 When I went into Teacher 's Training I was eighteen , ’ Miss Honey said .
8 When I went into labour I was told there was no heartbeat and that even if she was born alive , which was unlikely , she was too early and small to survive .
9 Er one of my worst experiences actually was going to school and found that when we walk when I went into the classroom there was only me and two other children .
10 When I went into the shop people were tripping over themselves and banging into things and I could hear them saying : ‘ That 's Geoffrey Boycott — Geoffrey Boycott , sat in that car . ’
11 I have to report , though , that it was here my own trust in the French as the most obdurately literate of all nations was dented when I went into a bookshop and asked if they had a copy of the Song of Roland .
12 When I went into town to order my new clothes , Mr Pumblechook was waiting for me at the door of his shop .
13 When I went into prison I had mixed feelings for people outside — I hated them , I felt they had rejected me , they 'd left me alone to just get on with it .
14 When I went into the room there was this massive pedestal set up , smothered in red with a big throne and red velvet drapes .
15 ‘ So when I went into labour I had n't really thought about whether or not to have an epidural .
16 There were several cars in the drive and when I went into the house I saw that Mrs Rumney had a few people in for drinks ; people like herself — upper class and of obvious refinement .
17 I was Mr Anthony Evans when I went into the Palace .
18 Er this night he was , when I went into the byre in the morning Charlie was n't there .
19 When I went into the house , the domestics refrained from looking at me .
20 I was a witness and so on you see and down below and the sergeant said to me , the sergeant came up and said to me , you 'll have to be careful because he said that boy , he was sitting there with his mother , poor woman , all in black and er the em the boy 's employer had got a solicitor on his behalf , you see , and I said well I can only speak through and say what happened , that 's all I can do and er , so of course when I went into the witness box this man came and er asked me all sorts of questions .
21 When I went into the can we play ?
22 When I went into erm the annexe the walls , erm like i in Albans , honestly the walls are just covered in photos , you know , and they 're not so much people outside school but people in school , you know , there 's all the little , there are all the kind of groups , people and couples and it 's really sweet .
23 er and Sharon never alt er cancelled that , well they come out and they said they 'd had Chinese flu so when I went into and had me chest done , I says I 've got the flu like , she says yeah she said I says I , I know , I said they 've got that Chinese flu she 's be
24 And when I went into Do-it-all they had a wallpaper and bed linen , and it was just what I wanted !
25 The line of soldiers was still half standing to attention when I went through them .
26 When I went through the Blackfriars underpass I felt as though I had been hit by a brick , ’ she said .
27 ‘ That basic shape — the squarish shoulders and narrow hips — is one that I discovered , when I went through the files , keeps turning up again and again over the years .
28 a convertible , with a eyes streaming , it was really hard to see , and clocked his speed at fifty , and er the bloke behind me nearly got hit , because when I went past this bloke I went
29 We was I said look I can read a bloody clock as well you can , I said I wa walking behind you down the , you went in the canteen and when I went past it was one minute past quarter to !
30 Well when I went past Britannia to see if you were there , there was nobody in it .
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