Example sentences of "when [prep] [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And how can he know that p when for all he knows he does n't ?
2 But this shows that today , for all I knew , it was not going to rain , and how can we allow that I know that it will rain when for all I know it wo n't ?
3 But , since she had no wish to have a discussion with him about it when for all she knew he could have telephoned her hotel yesterday or the day before and been told simply that she was n't available , she chose to assume that he did not know .
4 This is enhanced when after all she has done to help her husband become king , she has to ask to see him .
5 I daresay you find this strange and may think I am ungrateful when after all I have been given the chance to set up for myself which is not given to many of our station but it is a surprise to me too .
6 When in 1795 it began holding a series of open-air demonstrations in London , surprising numbers seem to have attended — possibly more than 100,000 , given the tendency for such occasions to become " fairs " with women and children attending as well as men .
7 Irony was to the fore when in 1925 he wrote of the Russian Revolution , but behind it was a more important urge leading him to the poem ‘ Le Voyage ’ of his favourite Baudelaire .
8 Despite this bitter tragedy the town again rallied itself to the Yorkist cause when in 1470 they assisted King Edward IV in dispelling a Lancastrian uprising at the battle of Loosecoat Field .
9 When in 1974 I was flattered by an invitation to make a T V appearance as the Dimbleby lecturer , I accepted without hesitation .
10 The intended beneficiary of this dynastic coup was Osred ( II ) , the son of King Alhred by Osgifu , Aelfwald 's sister , a youth of no more than 19 at the time , who reigned for a year but then fell a victim to further shifts of allegiance when in 789 he was taken prisoner , deprived of his kingdom , tonsured at York and expelled , and Aethelred , son of Aethelwald , resumed royal power ( ASC D , s.a. 788 , 789 ) .
11 The justices left intact a ruling by the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals , which had held that the US Congress had acted properly when in 1986 it had prohibited individuals from possessing or transferring machine guns .
12 He broke new ground in musical humour when in 1956 he organized the first of a series of concerts of symphonic caricature at which new music , some of it by respected composers like Malcolm Arnold , was played on ludicrous instruments or to the accompaniment of vacuum cleaners or road rammers .
13 The Company felt very pleased when in 1717 it received an imperial decree giving it a good deal of the territorial autonomy for which its ambitious employees had hoped in the 1680s and , in return for an annual payment of 13,000 rupees , freed it from paying customs duties inside India , but there is no sign that the Company realized that developments of this sort showed the Moghul Empire was beginning to lose control of the country .
14 The colonial government entered the field of the press soon after the German defeat when in 1923 it introduced Mambo Leo ( ‘ Affairs of Today ’ ) .
15 A young Frenchman , when in 1896 he entered his country 's diplomatic service , found himself trained as in the past , largely by being made to copy as models of style despatches dating from the pre-revolutionary monarchy .
16 ‘ Ithell Colquhoun thus spoke for future generations of women artists when in 1943 she stressed the need to escape from gender barriers .
17 When in 1963 I read The American fluoridation Experiment by F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott , I was left in no doubt that besides being unethical , fluoridation was both ineffective as a prophylactic treatment and a needless risk , at least to some people , in the long term .
18 Dudley spent some seven years of obscurity until Elizabeth 1 once again forgave him , when in 1585 she decided to support the Dutch against the Spanish , and placed Dudley in command .
19 One particularly notable vessel which he designed was the Stirling Castle , famed for her speed , for example , when in 1882 she brought home a cargo of 6,000 tons of China tea from Hankow in twenty-eight days , beating the previous best time by more than a week .
20 The Reverend Martin Luther King achieved his first success in Montgomery , Alabama , when in 1955 he organized a boycott of the bus-services of the city by 17 000 blacks .
21 I thought we had also faced our trial by Fire , when in 1983 we had ignored government safety warnings and climbed the newly erupting " Child of Krakatoa " volcano in the Sunda Straits .
22 This belief is firmly backed up by the experience of the West German government when in 1965 it attempted to bring criminal charges against nine Chemie Grunenthal executives who were indicted for causing bodily harm and involuntary manslaughter in connection with the drug thalidomide .
23 Its grandiose modernization plan of the early 1980s was presented as its contribution to the ‘ struggle against unemployment ’ ( RENFE 1982m : 9 ) , and when in 1981 it negotiated with the unions an increase in staff of 7,000 , the chairman defended the agreement as ‘ an appropriate response to [ RENFE 's ] public service task ’ ( quoted in El País , 12 December 1981 ) .
24 A federal appeals court judge here has affirmed a 1990 lower court decision and ruled that Koons illegally copied a photograph from a greeting card when in 1987 he made four sculptures of a couple holding eight German shepherd puppies .
25 When in 1831 he published his second novel , The Young Duke , the faults of the aristocracy lacked their social dimension .
26 ICI itself acted as a new home when in 1985 it spent $750m on the chemicals operations of Beatrice , an American group then being bought by Kohlberg , Kravis , Roberts , a firm similar to Hanson .
27 Clearly this is what Andrea 's nephew Giovanni ( C. 1555–1612 ) had in mind when in 1587 he published a collection of motets , Mass-movements , and madrigals by his uncle and himself as Concerti ( a very early use of the term ) per voci , & stromenti Musicali ; a & 16 .
28 When in 1982 it was decided that all lending records should be computerised , wholesale book withdrawals took place in order to rationalise the stock throughout the Westminster system .
29 And during the years when Pound was most under Yeats 's influence , Pound too embraced this ideal — as when in 1912 he went with Yeats and some others to pay an act of homage to one of the last English representatives of the type , the Sussex squire Wilfred Scawen Blunt :
30 When in 1951 he demanded another 40 per cent expansion , ‘ that did not work at all , since these steel masters had been so nourished on Malthusianism that their dominant fear was over-production .
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