Example sentences of "take your [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Can I take your pen a minute ?
2 It works best on long , straight hair but if it 's very thick it 'll probably take your hairdresser an afternoon to do the winding .
3 Did I take your pound the other day ?
4 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
5 Advance and take your prize The diamond ; but he answer 'd , ‘ Diamond me No diamonds !
6 They 're waiting to take your callsat the Scotland Today Action line on oh four one or oh three one , two two six , four seven four seven .
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