Example sentences of "take up [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman Mao and his little red book actually sort of advocated table tennis because it did n't take up paddy fields ; it was very economical ; you can stick 10 tables in a canteen , so it was very much conducive to the communist way of life and of course , China …
2 He could take up agroforestry ; he could convert to timber ; he could take up government agency schemes and grow winter grass mixtures for wild geese to graze upon , or engineer his fields to be a home for the stone curlew .
3 My mother made me take up tap dancing , because I 'd got sparrow legs .
4 The crux of the argument — the impetus of the Girls into Science and Technology ( GIST ) , Women into Science and Engineering ( WISE ) and INSIGHT schemes — is that more girls must take up science subjects ; girls must do as well as boys .
5 On the other hand , wallmounted fittings do n't take up table space , have no trailing flex and can be properly directed to your reading material .
6 Yeah well it well it 'd take up disk space unnecessarily
7 There 's nothing worse than people just spitting out albums ; you get all these mediocre albums that do nothing but take up shelf space .
8 Fluid took up air space … you never saw anyone with emphysema run upstairs .
9 ‘ We read ’ , he read , ‘ in Richard Milward 's unreliable , tendentious and often plainly wrong book Early and Mediaeval Wimbledon that ‘ in 878 a Danish army took up winter quarters just across the river at Fulham .
10 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson 2 ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
11 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
12 Instead they took up battle positions , said Colonel Marc Martens of US Central Command .
13 Charles took up watercolour painting nearly twenty years ago , and it has become one of his greatest pleasures .
14 It is only three years since she took up painting dogs as a profession , but in that short time she has been kept constantly in work .
15 The 30 youngsters from Keldholme School took up plastic sacks and gloves as part of a three-day litter pick to learn about the environment as they help to protect it .
16 Derrick took up fitness training just 13 years ago after his jewellery importing business folded .
17 Late in World War I , Hoppé took up fashion photography : when Vogue came to Britain , he was well placed to become one of its leading photographers .
18 ‘ Then might n't it help keep your mind off things if you took up war work ?
19 In 1914 ill health forced him to leave the railway works , and he took up market gardening .
20 To get her gold she took up bell ringing , did a lot of swimming , helped the National Trust clear up after the 1988 hurricane , and completed a 50 mile long trek in Glencoe in four days .
21 That is not to say only experts need apply for these jobs ; we run a programme of training weekends and people taking up committee posts should be strongly encouraged to attend an appropriate local training weekend .
22 My interviewees are taking up subject positions as readers as they talk to me .
23 In contrast to the unpremeditated way in which Fleming was taking up chance observations , various scientists were making methodical studies of microbes of all kinds .
24 Those taking up headland set-aside could site it either against a footpath , or right away from areas where members of the public were likely to go .
25 BRENDA LEE was only 15 when Sweet Nothings charted number four in 1960 , but the little girl from Lithonia , Georgia , sensibly stayed at high school for another three years before taking up show business full-time .
26 Bogie was very cool and returning insults with a smile while Mayo was rising in anger and waiters were circling warily around taking up action stations .
27 Outside this gate , he was surprised to see Mr Hellyer and another man busily engaged , in this sweating heat , in taking up paving stones .
28 At 91 years of age , has just taken up painting water colours and choir singing at a local day centre in his home town of Hull .
29 Jay had taken up situationist sculpture , and eased herself half upright to look at yesterday evening 's achievement .
30 Since 1983 , over 3 million young people have taken up Youth Training places .
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