Example sentences of "take at that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The changes imposed were just about as much as the Services could take at that time without loss of morale and fighting efficiency .
2 But his philosophy that when your ‘ time 's up your time 's up ’ saw him through and he 's back to tell the tale , though sadly he chose not to include the pictures he took at that time .
3 I do n't know if I can answer that to be absolutely honest I I mean I really feel that erm that would be reading too much into the decision that that our members took at that time .
4 The separate recordings can then be viewed after the event and decisions about how to edit taken at that point .
5 But I would n't have my photograph taken at that time at all .
6 This was an intelligence test that was taken at that time by all children who wanted state education .
7 But the direction taken at that turning-point is less easy to identify .
8 For if a holder thinks that the buyers will really be able to get at 36s. all that they care to take at that price , he will be unwilling to let slip past him any offer that is well above that price .
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