Example sentences of "take of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever view one takes of the electoral fortunes of the Liberal and Labour Parties before 1914 , the Conservative party was clearly losing — three general election defeats in a row and no significant signs of an electoral revival .
2 Although I do not wholeheartedly agree with the view the author takes of the mechanical world of the train being somehow better than that of nature , I can still find it interesting and thought inducing from a philosophical angle .
3 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what account he takes of the national interest in terms of the viability of businesses and the retention of jobs in deciding on the exercise of the functions of his Department in respect of Inland Revenue responsibilities .
4 If one asks the further question , were the King 's actions wise ? , one 's answer is likely to be all too heavily conditioned by hindsight , by the views one takes of the later politics of the 1930s , of the restoration of a two-party system , and of the decline of the Liberal Party .
5 This means that ‘ The French system of detailed target planning involves … the toleration of agreements between firms to fix the share each will take of the planned expansion ’ ( Cohen , 1969 , pp. 71–2 ) .
6 And in the big cities — to go from the relatively sensitive and ‘ socially conscious ’ reports of the District Leader of Augsburg-Stadt — the old attacks on the parasitic existence of Party functionaries gained new strength in wartime conditions ; the extravagance of Party buildings was set alongside the slums in which it was said the great mass of the population still had to live ; and ‘ especially unfavourable note is taken of the feudal life and dwelling of leaders of Party and State ’ .
7 In a letter to the head of the air staff secretariat at Whitehall , the Killin team leader , Billy Stitt , said that the provision of helicopters had been based solely on the military requirement for crashed aircraft and the maritime role , with no account taken of the ever-growing number of people suffering serious injury on Scottish mountains .
8 The unsavoury reputation which the last of the sultans acquired during the late nineteenth century — especially Abdülaziz ( 1861–76 ) and Abdülhamid II ( 1876–1909 ) — has coloured the view which many western historians have taken of the Ottoman empire as a whole , but to many Christian subjects the Ottoman empire in its heyday was far from the horrific picture conjured up by the use of the phrase ‘ the long Turkish night ’ .
9 Peter Headicar and his colleage Bob Bixby argue that when the M40 was planned , no account was taken of the devastating effect that resulting projects would have on the countryside .
10 After deciding to buy , I have the horse vetted by a very good vet , and ask for x-rays to be taken of the front feet and joints .
11 Although the focus is on individual prisons , some account is taken of the wider prison system and , in at least some cases , the overall criminal justice process .
12 A similar view needs to be taken of the external gravitational field of the black hole if this is carried by massless field particles ( gravitons ) analogous to photons .
13 It looks like that not really a great deal of account has been taken of the extra costs that are incurred by visually handicapped people in courses of study , such as paying for er expensive , extremely expensive , computing equipment which is n't a luxury , it 's a necessity quite often for many people , especially doing science courses .
14 Half a century before their quest was begun , an inventory was taken of the private apartments in Buckingham Palace .
15 Full advantage had to be taken of the long daylight hours of midsummer and much of the ground could only be reached on foot .
16 It follows that in order to understand the efficacy of political parties or the ways in which political forms relate to everyday experience , account must be taken of the appropriate political discourses .
17 If the cylinder is well insulated , advantage can be taken of the cheaper Economy 7 tariff .
18 Patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing any major surgical procedure should be assessed by having radiographs taken of the cervical spine in flexion and extension .
19 To arrive at a salary that produces no income tax liability above the 25% rate , account has to be taken of the revised reliefs to set against the salary .
20 Note should be taken of the political electoral system under which peasants had to vote , both in the Duma and the early Soviet period .
21 Much more account should be taken of the individual teacher in discussing classroom practice ; the notion that a ‘ practice ’ can exist independently of the practitioner and can be imposed without regard for the individual 's personality , intentions and preferences is both professionally demeaning and impractical .
22 Optical fibre can be used to inject light into places which would otherwise be impossible — into a person 's body for example to enable photographs to be taken of the internal organs .
23 Contrary to the Jenkins and Sherman argument a group of academic economists ( Stoneman et al. 1981 ) , in a study published by the OECD , claimed that ‘ up to now there is no firm evidence that the current high levels of unemployment are due to technical progress ’ and that ‘ if account is taken of the offsetting effects that can be predicted , there will be little change in overall demand [ for skills and jobs ] ’ .
24 If the first and second valuation are within 15 per cent of each other an average will be taken of the two .
25 If they are not within 15 per cent of each other a third valuation will be obtained and the average taken of the two closest valuations from all three .
26 No account either is taken of the other two major dimensions , control and role , with the effect of time also being completely ignored .
27 This took place when Chris was having the final photographs taken of the new replica range .
28 Nor is this merely constitutional or political theory , divorced from reality , for without doubt the election in 1985 for the GLC would have turned very largely on this issue and on the view taken of the controversial Labour administration at County Hall during its four years in office .
29 If due account is taken of the present state of the law in regard to mortgages and choses in action , it is apparent that to make a distinction in the case of land would be to make just such an exception .
30 Finally , once account is taken of the major expansion of special employment programmes , particularly job creation schemes , in recent years , the LFS provides no evidence of any growth in temporary working .
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