Example sentences of "take place [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Vision as leadership is a drama which takes place in time .
2 Firstly , the analysis is entirely static , ignoring changes that may take place over time .
3 Here f t denotes the logarithm of the forward rate at time t for foreign exchange transactions which will take place at time t + 1 .
4 The world was created ; man and woman were made in God 's image ; the fall did take place in time .
5 After taking up the post , the professor will become eligible for consideration , in reviews which will take place from time to time , for one of a small number of additional awards which may be made in recognition of outstanding academic distinction and/or contribution to the academic work of the University ( e.g. in leadership in , or in the development of , some field of study ) .
6 In negative and interrogative contexts , on the other hand , the event 's taking place in time is denied or questioned .
7 It is proposed here that the need to represent a spatial support in order to get a mental representation of an event is another such requirement : how can one conceive an event as something taking place in time without also conceiving at least virtually someone or something realizing it ( or undergoing its realization , as in the passive ) ?
8 After The Wildwood , colour photographs by Aberystwyth-based Jeremy Moore explore our relationship with trees and woodland and indicate changes which have taken place over time , by referring to contemporary evidence ( until 15 Feb ) .
9 After the Wildwood , colour photographs by Aberystwyth-based Jeremy Moore explore our relationship with trees and woodland and indicate changes which have taken place over time , by referring to contemporary evidence ( 22 Apr. –17 May ) .
10 If do is used in the past tense , therefore , the infinitive 's event is explicitly affirmed to have taken place in time in the past ; compare : ( 1a ) I ate my porridge .
11 Most empirical economic models involve reactions which take place over time .
12 Ad hoc alliances of green organizations take place from time to time , and at the end of 1988 Greenpeace , Friends of the Earth and the World Wide Fund for Nature jointly threw down a ‘ green gauntlet ’ to the government , urging it to turn propaganda about the environment into action .
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