Example sentences of "take we to the " in BNC.

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1 The start of our second week takes us to the Nappa Valley and the heart of California 's cheese and wine country .
2 To use the landscape itself as the stage or background for artistic expression takes us to the very boundaries of art until , as we step across , we realize that the whole of life is , or could be , Art .
3 In fact Polanski , unconventional at the best of times , takes us to the limit — and beyond .
4 In spite of its loose thinking Lorentz 's argument really takes us to the nub of the whole Hollywood system .
5 A third example , revealing yet another kind of subordination , takes us to the University of Paris where two fourteenth-century scholars , Jean Buridan and Nicole Oresme , considered the possibility that the earth may rotate on its axis .
6 The laibon takes us to the spot beneath the escarpment , looking down through two rock walls onto the plain , where Claudia built her little house .
7 The universe , in fact , is expanding ( although that 's another talk really ) and for the present purpose the important thing is that they 're moving away at a speed which increases with their distance and so if we can measure the speed that they 're moving away from us , then we can find their distance , and that takes us to the edge of the universe .
8 And that takes us to the question of what it is that might be going on behind the screen — a question which leads not only forward and to Ulysses and beyond , but backwards , into a reconsideration of Dubliners and The Portrait of the Artist .
9 But there is reason to think that our senses do not take us to the heart of things .
10 Tragically the story of God 's wrestling match makes all too good sense , and a tale which bears so clearly the marks of its primitive beginnings can take us to the very summit of Calvary , and deep into the still broken heart of God .
11 The driver would take us to the police .
12 ‘ You can take us to the graves , Sir James ? ’
13 We continue now along the Rua da Carreira , past the many small restaurants and bread and cake shops until we come to a street on the right called Rua do Quebra Costas which will take us to the English Church , hidden behind a high wall in a large garden .
14 Not only does he take us to the site but he drives straight through the crowd , lights blazing , to the backstage area .
15 For Peirce , statistical sampling is the fundamental kind of ampliative inference , and for this he derives its ‘ validity ’ from his understanding of reality — its repeated use will take us to the truth in the long run .
16 Peirce could probably allow the same : his position rests upon the belief that there is a logical guarantee that induction will take us to the truth in the long run , but that our confidence in the short-run efficacy of the method is simply an ‘ acritical ’ commonsense certainty which may be susceptible to scientific explanation .
17 ‘ After the coronation they 'll take us to the palace for the night .
18 ‘ That will take us to the cities where we can buy more .
19 I have a boat ready and it will take us to the Delta .
20 I tell you another year of feasibility studies will take us to the point of no return .
21 I myself would I am sure hereafter regret not visiting this part of V. D. L. , and under all circumstances I have agreed with Lady Franklin to wait one week longer after which to return if the wind should not come round to the eastward or northeast , either of these winds would take us to the desired place in a few hours .
22 One of our walks took us to the top of a huge escarpment at a place called Losiolo , or World 's View .
23 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
24 Then he took us to the university where a friend of his , an Englishman , was studying the local bird life .
25 The Homeless Unit took us to the Housing Department .
26 After dinner he took us to the Royal College of Art , where he seemed proud to be an honorary member of the faculty club and students ' union .
27 This first ‘ phase ’ of the trip took us to the caves of Mulu National Park and Gunung Mulu mountain .
28 The car which took us to the station drove as sedately as a Daimler in a royal procession although the people of Amsterdam were on their way to work and provided admirable subjects for baiting .
29 Barney took us to the airport , and when we arrived next day in Hong Kong , it was warm and sunny .
30 The car took us to the Monument , and then we saw the Worm . ’
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