Example sentences of "take i [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 These two coppers takes me ter the office an' the geezer who I whacked told 'em it was me what done it .
2 Well can Clay take me up the bingo ?
3 Some years ago , shortly after I took up climbing , a more experienced Geordie acquaintance was taking me up the Barbican on Castle Rock , Thirlmere .
4 My parents had stayed over in Middlesbrough that night and they were taking me home the next day .
5 I had murder with [ my GP ] ‘ cos , when I went , I was in a bad way and me mam took me up the doctor 's and he just said : ‘ I wo n't give you methadone .
6 He immediately took me up the tower , and — stepping out onto the balcony — I saw Oxford for the first time .
7 When I moved to secondary school , the PE master used to encourage me in my running and , when he saw I had some potential , he took me down the North London AC and made me a member there so I could train a couple of times a week .
8 Well I got trapped under er under one of the er rocks that f fell down and then managed to get that off me leg and went to give assistance to er the machine-man , the man on the machine which er trapped as well and er realized then that me leg had me leg was broken so took me down the end of the road and managed to get the stone off the lad and the machine and you got carried in to hospital .
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