Example sentences of "take [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Poets were so highly esteemed that it was said that a Delhi-wallah visiting a friend in another part of India would always take with him as a present not jewels or hookahs or fine weapons but a few of Mir Taqi Mir 's new verses copied on to a single sheet of paper .
2 Thus , in 1652 , when Cromwell raised with Whitelocke the momentous question , ‘ What if a man should take upon him to be king ? ’ ,
3 On that occasion Themistokles carried his view ; but ( Plutarch says ) the Spartans took against him from that moment , preferring to advance Kimon instead .
4 Gould lost no time venturing into the field , taking with him on some excursions his nephew Henry , who was understandably thrilled by the prospect of driving bullock carts ; his servant James , who he was zealously training in the art of taxidermy ; and sometimes his assistant Gilbert .
5 At the peak of the agitation more than 12,000 troops were stationed in the disturbed regions of the Midlands and the North — more soldiers than Wellington took with him on his first expedition to Portugal in 1808 in the Peninsular War .
6 All he took with him on his voyage was a spare pair of shoes , a sandwich and a 1992 sports diary with a map of the world , the court heard .
7 The young girl was called Anne-Sophie Mutter , whom Karajan took with him to Oxford for his special thank-you concert in the Sheldonian Theatre and whose career has developed formidably since 1977 .
8 Yet he took with him to Beirut his old suitcase of deeds and taxes , proof that the Abu Khadras owned their land in Palestine .
9 Architect of the drive towards ‘ People 's Television ’ , Sydney Newman took with him to the BBC his observations on the experiment , which he summed up by saying , ‘ Children of today , who make up part of our vast audience , are well informed and are capable of some pretty sophisticated judgements .
10 ‘ That 's the case Maurice took with him to New York , ’ said Ursula .
11 In 1977 , he bought passage from the USSR by ‘ donating ’ to the Tretyakov all the paintings from the collections that they wanted ; the remaining ones he took with him to Greece and retirement .
12 He took with him to England Theodore 's son Alamayahu , who was sent to Rugby School and then to the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst , where he fell ill and died , aged nineteen .
13 Cuthbertson became noted for his glass-plate frictional electrical machines ; a technology which he took with him from London but which he developed to a high state of perfection in Holland .
14 At the end of the last century when Impressionism was still a dirty word in England , and anyone who bought a Monet was considered as being more than half-way on the road to Bedlam , the Americans were taking to him with something of the enthusiasm which they were then displaying for the newly discovered chewing-gum .
15 After the war captor and captive became friends , and Otto showed us the Zeiss binoculars which Macintyre had taken off him as a trophy of war , but had recently handed back .
16 Stuart Everton , 20 , had £1,800 taken off him by two men after the raid in Barnet , north London .
17 Thomson volleys it forward to Jochim taken off him by Phillips .
18 Gemmell Gary Crosby gets his first touch taken off him by Lewis .
19 Here 's Pearce Crosby and now Collimore taken off him by Agnew .
20 The loud calls for the author , by a curious irony , were taken for him by the U.S. ambassador .
21 It is as if this had been the artificial carapace which had now dissolved and there emerged the smiling , bright-eyed figure of Eliot , with an expression close to that of the photographs taken of him in childhood .
22 Nevertheless , no measures were taken against him at the Restoration , suggesting perhaps that he had not been a republican by choice and may have worked towards the return of Charles II .
23 In 1633 legal action was taken against him by his countrymen and co-adventurers at Hatfield Chase .
24 After the Ascension of Christ , Luke , whom Paul had taken with him as an expert in the way ( teaching ) , wrote under his own name and according to his own understanding .
25 A collection of early aviation postcards failed to find a buyer , but as compensation early space flight memorabilia such as the Union Flag carried by Al Warden and taken with him on Apollo 15 around the moon sold for an impressive £1,600 .
26 Viktor had sketched the green enamel and the twinkling diamonds in the tattered book he 'd taken with him from the charnel house that had been his home .
27 It is to be observed that in the Bognor Regis case Browne J. did not consider whether his decision had any effect on the right to freedom of expression , doubtless because the point was not taken before him by the defendant , who appeared in person .
28 Bruce , bitter at the crown being taken from him in 1238 ?
29 His little-boy mask had slipped by a fraction , a sure sign of the energies that had been taken from him in the past hour , and someone else was looking out — someone much harder , more calculating .
30 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
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