Example sentences of "take [pron] by the " in BNC.

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1 Before waiting for an answer she takes me by the hand and leads me on to the dance floor .
2 She takes me by the hand , but stops , and kisses Bob straight on the lips .
3 Now what tends to happen is , as you know , there is lots and lots of different guests on his chat show and if he feels threatened by them in any way shape or form , what he does he relaxes her , comes in over the top , turns them over , takes them by the shoulder and pushes them into the chair and what he is saying , he is saying , this is my chat show , do n't you submit .
4 This walk takes you by the River Bure to Upton Dyke and then back along quiet lanes and through woods and fields .
5 HAMLET , with his doublet all unbraced , no hat upon his head , his stockings fouled , ungartered and down-gyred to his ankle , pale as his shirt , his knees knocking each other … and with a look so piteous , he takes her by the wrist and holds her hard , then he goes to the length of his arm , and with his other hand over his brow , falls to such perusal of her face as he would draw it …
6 In the late evenings his mother would take him by the hand for walks , and would play the concertina to him when they got home .
7 Already Parfois seemed to lie behind them , and Harry had almost lost that tense expectation that at every step someone would reach out and take him by the shoulder to haul him back into captivity .
8 And her suppliant 's face , round and even in this twilight , thickly flushed in the hectic way that he had seen before , repulsed him and made him take her by the arm she had raised and move it like a detached limb back to her side .
9 It left her with a great admiration for the contemplatives , even if God still has to forcibly take her by the scruff of the neck and put tier in a position where she has no option but to be still on occasion .
10 She felt Matey take her by the arm and pull her rapidly away .
11 They hugged each other , and then taking me by the hand we went into the street and made our way home .
12 He took me by the wrist , and held me hard ,
13 I was arrested for riding a bicycle without a rear light ; I woke as an enraged policeman took me by the throat .
14 Jerry and Anna stood watching the swaying elephants in complete fascination , and Sam took me by the hand across to the cage of a huge lion .
15 He took me by the hand
16 A woman hurried over to me and took me by the hand .
17 He came running out and took me by the sleeve in the darkness .
18 As I landed , four of the men came towards me and took me by the arms .
19 Mrs Donnan came and took me by the hand .
20 Or it can be used to express requests for which one can assume willingness to comply : ( 209 ) ( She ) took me by the hand , and bidding me be of good cheer , set off with Gus in a coach , to pay a visit to those persons .
21 Not like the covenant which I made when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt — my covenant which they broke Although I was a husband to them , says the Lord .
22 I remember once I took you by the shoulders and said , ‘ Listen , love , I 'm talking to you about your mother . ’
23 ‘ Follow me and no harm will come to thy sheep ’ , the Emperor replied , and taking him by the hand led him into a cave in the side of the mountain .
24 ‘ Do n't talk rot , ’ said Meredith and , taking him by the arm , frog-marched him along the corridor .
25 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
26 ‘ Do you know this face ? ’ said Isambard , turning Harry about in his hands to display him to them all , and taking him by the chin to jerk up his face to the light when he turned it haughtily aside .
27 She remembered dinner , then dancing with Jack Butler , Annie saying something to her , a nun taking her by the arm .
28 ‘ Maybe one day we 'll come back , ’ Volkov said , taking her by the arm .
29 The governor raised his shaggy brows at Flavia Sherman in a theatrical expression of sympathy as her husband launched into a detailed discussion of his hunting plans , and taking her by the elbow , he guided her away towards the waiting throng to begin introducing her .
30 I 'll be with you in a few minutes , ’ and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall , and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen .
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