Example sentences of "take [pron] [adv] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He 's touched it , and he 's took it off out in the kitchen altogether , the kitchen 's !
2 And three more points takes them right back into the battle for the promotion play-off .
3 The effect of the Sky losses will look even more dramatic after a change in accounting policy which takes them directly out of the profit and loss account .
4 Your capital at the moment takes you just over so you know once your capital 's below sixteen hundred quid
5 That summit was partially hidden , however , for when you get to the top of the final slope there 's a level stretch that takes you just out of view .
6 The tér is in fact a busy roundabout from behind which a cable car takes you up on to Castle Hill and the ancient fortress area of Buda .
7 There is no need to walk up to the summit of Cairn Gorm underneath the chairlift , since there is a route that runs west from the car park , and takes you up on to the Fiacaill ridge , a world away from the frightful clanking kingdom of the ski-tows .
8 And if you 've ever been there and taken the trip on the little boat which takes you right in to the base of the falls themselves , you 'll have seen that there 's a hydro electric station which takes power from the water at night , when some of the force is diverted , and instead of the water going over the falls it goes through the hydro electric station .
9 There is not much other evidence for any kind of standing army : the classic historians of the fifth century speak of the Ten Thousand ‘ Immortals ’ , but that word is now thought to be a mistranslation of an Old Persian word meaning ‘ followers ’ , which takes one straight back to feudalism .
10 In particular , indirect attempts to uncover the phenomenon have been made by Crenson and others , but these have tended to founder on the difficulties of separating the notion of a ‘ latent issue ’ , for which one relies on observation of declared but otherwise undeveloped wishes of significant actors , from that of ‘ real interests ’ , which introduces altogether different problems of method , and of course takes one completely out of the field of behaviourism .
11 This is partly because structuralist poetics are part of a wider semiological venture , and partly because any distinctiveness ascribed to literature in structuralist thinking takes it right back to linguistics ; for the element that constitutes ‘ literature 's Being ’ and its ‘ very world ’ ( Barthes 1970 ) is simply language itself .
12 But volume four takes us right back to the peak with a marvellous account of Dirac and his contributions to quantum theory — hardly surprisingly , in view of Mehra 's previous involvement with Dirac and celebrations of his work .
13 Which takes us right back to you know , to the temple in Jerusalem , and sacrifices and all sorts .
14 She can take them again in ’ — he consulted the gold watch on his wrist — ‘ about an hour 's time . ’
15 Oh well he could ring you up and you could take them back down but at least they would be dried .
16 The child , now turning a smiling face towards Aggie , said , ‘ I 'll stand on the chair and that 'll take me half-way up , but you 'll have to do the rest , as I ca n't reach .
17 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
18 Well , I 'll take you straight up to Hilda 's room , and then I 'll make you a nice cup of tea .
20 He 'll take you safely out of the country and give you a hundred thousand pounds . ’
21 You can take him straight in . ’
22 it 'll be different if he were here I mean they could , he 'd take her all over would n't he and every weekend he 'd take her
23 And there are some advantages in buying from a local dealer ; if something goes wrong with your machine , you can take it straight back tot he shop and express your rage directly to the person you bought it from .
24 No , all I was curious to know was , er the commencement yes , but I mean w could you take it right up to the sort of the tapes until the day before the elections , or what would be the limit on that ?
25 If she do n't put it , if you do n't take it right down then it comes out .
26 Let's take it back out shall we ?
27 And er and when that was been in the field whatever days , depending on the weather , if you 'd got a good dry summer well you 'd perhaps take it in in after a week , you see ?
28 And this brother who married his late brother 's wife he would also take over all that belonged to her , because , you know , all that , it was his dead brother 's , he would take it all over , it would become his the land , the business the property , the mortgage , the debts they would all become the brother who now marries the th th the widow .
29 There was a small cutter parked at the jetty , and a sign taped to the Eberhardt window said that for $15 each she would take us right up to the foot of the Balmaceda and Serrano glaciers which spilled from the southern tip of that immense high-altitude sheet of white that was the Patagonian ice-cap .
30 and I wo n't take anything else on .
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