Example sentences of "take [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The time that it takes to perform a search .
2 The time that it takes to perform a search in a system is a function of a number of factors , including the user 's previous experience with the system , aspects of system design and the nature of the search .
3 The business of the audition is squeezed into all this in less time than it takes to shake a leg .
4 A regular beauty treatment , relaxation therapy , yoga class , or even a quick visit to a health farm can be all it takes to repair the week 's damage to body and soul , and prepare you for the week ahead .
5 ‘ I have no idea how long the family will need to stay with me — it will depend how long it takes to find the Dad .
6 There are also numerous problems arising out of the broader political situation : as of 1990 these include the possibility of reintegrating all or some of the homelands into a national education system ; the outcome of the bid for national political status by the Natal-based Inkatha movement , with attendant violence which has severely disrupted life in the Transvaal as well as Natal ; and the length of time it takes to dismantle the apartheid system completely .
7 It thinks in years , not months or weeks : the three or four years it takes to reach a degree ; the similar or longer period needed for a doctorate ; the intellectual shifts that occur over decades , even centuries .
8 What is even more significant for wage profiles is that all of the figures quoted for average tenure are well below the 25–30 years that it takes to reach the peak of the earnings profile .
9 How long it takes to reach the size , and the actual attainable size of this fish are things fishkeepers will be investigating .
10 How long it takes to reach the size , and the actual attainable size of this fish are things we will only find out with time .
11 Media costs are usually assessed in terms of ‘ cost per thousand ’ : the number of pence ( or pounds ) it takes to reach an audience of 1000 ( adults , housewives , men under 45 or whatever ) with a given ad or campaign .
12 All it takes to create a sense of country in your home is a little of your imagination and a lot of inspiration from Allied .
13 THERE is no greater expert on what it takes to win the Championship than Aston Villa captain Kevin Richardson .
14 Such a bit image blocks are not normally compressed , and anyone using graphics in a document is familiar with the time it takes to load the printer .
15 It 's four minutes per museum floor , half an hour in Djemaa el Fna ( less for those scared of pickpockets and dirt ) , one hour round the city walls in a carriage at trotting pace and as much time in the souks as it takes to buy a rug , a leather coat and some fake Berber jewellery .
16 And the Sainsburys , Tescos and Safeways of the world are the people with the financial clout and organisational know-how to spend the £15million or so which it takes to buy the land , negotiate the planning hurdles , employ a builder and stock the shelves to open a new superstore on a good site .
17 How long it will be before branded products are on the market is a function of how high the specification is cut and the time it takes to generate the test suites .
18 The principal method of investigation is to show people sentences one at a time on a computer screen and measure the time it takes to understand a sentence .
19 The execution time of a RISC cycle is given by the time it takes to read a register , perform an ALU operation , and store the result back into a register .
20 ‘ No , a calendar year is the time the Earth takes to orbit the sun .
21 The money is automatically taken out of your current account in the same time it takes to clear a cheque , roughly three days .
22 Do you have what it takes to fly a bomber over dangerous enemy territory , the Grim Reaper waiting patiently with you all the way ?
23 Now we are going to take a look at what it takes to keep a body healthy , and in particular at your nutritional requirements .
24 P.S. Please keep the sachet , as a reminder of how little it takes to save a child 's life .
25 For every evening wasted in the contemplation of Tubular Bells we spent no more than the time it takes to finish a vodka-and-lime soaking up Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes .
26 Unem the level of unemployment is subsumed between , well , within the time it takes to get a job , and also the probability of , of getting a job .
27 Whatever it takes to get the job done . ’
28 But it also depends on the time it takes to get the job .
29 As with most projects in Hollywood , there was always an overlap between one and another , sometimes of a year or two simply because of the time it takes to get an idea , or a script or a novel , written , financed , budgeted and into production .
30 Those were the words of Emperor Franz Joseph on St. Wolfgang , which just goes to show how much it takes to get an Emperor really excited .
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