Example sentences of "know at that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Olwen did n't know at that time that the commitment was soon to become twenty-four hours a day , seven days a week .
2 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
3 And anyway he he was one of the candidates , but what I did n't know at that time there was a real feud between the women and the men .
4 like , you know at that age I knew they had to go across the sea .
5 The erm , yes these and it started to be like warfare more than a game you know at that stage but hopefully now we 're getting back to some sort of sanity with the membership cards you know , because we , the crowd is segregated from the away supporters now and that 's cos if Walsall go into the second division again they 'll have to spend so much I believe on the ground to cage the away supporters in which they do n't have to do in the third division .
6 Well er you know at that time there in the building trade there was er what they term a , an essential work order .
7 By contrast Engels 's position was that the family , as it was known in his time , had not always existed in that form , that marriage as it was known at that time had also not always existed .
8 We became known at that time as a labour school and still later , we were known as a farmer-labour school .
9 November 1697 , will always be associated with Chiswick , although he was constantly referred to , in his day , as ‘ Mr. Hogarth of Leicester Fields ’ — the name by which Leicester Square was known at that time — as that was his business centre and where he worked before he married .
10 We should remember that very little was known at that time about the ways in which the ovaries influence distant organs .
11 Its eponym , the harpist Ludovico , is believed to have produces falsas ( chromatic ‘ wrong notes ’ ) by pressing a finger against a string to shorten its sounding length — King uses instead a type of double harp that was known at that time — and this device is still used by folk harpists in South America .
12 In any future case the situation will be considered on the facts known at that time and if appropriate application will be made .
13 In any future case the situation will be considered on the facts known at that time and if appropriate application will be made .
14 However , it was not known at that time whether the cloned cDNA segments termed brn-1 , 2 and -3 were octamer-binding proteins .
15 It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton , the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time .
16 Do you not think that almost regardless of the reply and whatever that reply contained , with what we now know with the benefit of hindsight about Liechtenstein , which was actually known by I M R O there 's not for the benefit of hindsight that was n't known at that time , should n't I M R O have refused immediately to license any organisation that was controlled out of Liechtenstein in those circumstances ?
17 No indeed , this is in fact er about the twelfth meeting in a series , the first meeting was in 1973 , where 75 scientists came together to deliberate about 50 genes which were known at that time .
18 Mozart began work on Tito in late July , not knowing at that stage who the singers were going to be .
19 All I knew at that stage was that the girls had drowned in a sailing accident .
20 She knew at that moment that she wanted to injure every penis that ever came into her hand .
21 Without being told , Sam knew at that moment that Clare would leave him .
22 Two or three months prior to the Dams Raid , when the new squadron was being formed in the spring of 1943 , ground crew personnel from all over Bomber Command were selected and sent to Scampton , the best men at their respective jobs , for what they only knew at that time was going to be one special operation .
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