Example sentences of "know you [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've known each other such a short time , but I feel I know you better than anyone .
2 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
3 When I got home I said , ‘ They ought to know you better than think you would marry a prostitute . ‘
4 ‘ I felt I 'd like to know you better before I broached the subject . ’
5 The committee would like to get to know YOU better and therefore be able to run our branch more efficiently … so could you PLEASE fill in and return this page to any committee member/any group notice board ( see envelope provided ) /by post to the branch membership sec. ,
6 The passage was not some ghastly simile of war or territorial domination ( though heaven knows what the Iranians would have made of it ) , but just a pictorial explanation of the passage North said he read them next , from the third chapter of Galatians : ‘ Know ye therefore that they which are of faith , the same are the children of Abraham . ’
7 You know you more than deserve it . ’
8 Know you better than that .
9 ‘ But I know you better than he does !
10 ‘ We 've been close friends for donkey 's years and I know you better than to think you 'd try to queer my pitch . ’
11 ‘ I know you better than that , Theda .
12 But I found it really helpful to have known you both because you were in both groups and involved in the Union and the EOP Working Party .
13 You spent so much time with her , I felt she even knew you better than I did .
14 Oh , he knew you better than I , for all my rebellious ravings !
15 He knows you well and has your records to consult .
16 And in a sense , who knows you better than your ex-wives or lovers ? ’
17 Besides , who knows you better than I , neh ? ’
18 ‘ Would you say she knows you better than anyone else ? ’
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