Example sentences of "know [prep] the very " in BNC.

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1 As for national health service resources , the hon. Gentleman will know of the very large real-terms increases that have been made — in excess , in fact , of the real-terms increases promised by the Opposition at the last general election .
2 It is this second concept which has caused all the trouble , certainly ( for example ) in view of what we now know about the very different world of early Precambrian times .
3 6000 , not of a male population in 431 of about 40,000 , could he accommodated on the Pnyx , the open-air meeting-place , and that total was regularly reached in the fourth century , as we know from the very many attested grants of citizenship , for which a quorum of 6000 was required .
4 Er and also it 's not always easy , I mean there 's all this youth work business and sort of detached youth work and so on in erm er you know in the very underprivileged areas , but actually I , I think people say that the erm er the disaffected teenagers are actually some of the most difficult people to relate to at all .
5 ‘ I 'm so glad , ’ Leith replied , knowing from the very few comments Rosemary had let drop that she must have gone through a most unhappy time before Derek had finally left .
6 But John-William — who always knew to the very minute — was engaged in the happy task of bringing his daughter to church to be married .
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