Example sentences of "time to time the " in BNC.

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1 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
2 From time to time the authorities got wind of these breaches of regulations and punished clubs , but they did not regularly inspect the books and revelations of extra payments tended to emerge as a result of other inquiries .
3 However , from time to time the curator 's instinct for identification comes up against scholarly puzzles .
4 From time to time the Libyan police and armed forces have appeared in these accounts of Zuwaya politics , and it may be helpful now to say something about them in a more collected way .
5 Beyond the obvious success ( relative ) of much recent Italian fiction , from Calvino to Tabucchi , from Eco to De Carlo , there surfaces from time to time the obstinate question , What can we now ask of literature , fiction in particular ?
6 From time to time the University makes available research studentships in selected areas .
7 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
8 To be sure , from time to time the consensus may weaken in one science or another ( — the paradigm shifts ’ , as we have learned to say ) and then , for a period , matters grow more complicated .
9 Although they are strongly independent , from time to time the sheep must be rounded up or moved , and today English China Clays employs a part-time shepherd .
10 From time to time the ‘ mothers ’ need renewing and the simple answer is to turn the nearest two-year-old shoot in full circle and bury it next to the tiring parent .
11 From time to time the Tanganyika government proposed excision of parts of Masailand for the use of other tribes , and Masai District Officers could be relied on to oppose these proposals .
12 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
13 Against this background it is not surprising that from time to time the relationship is productive of misunderstandings , mistrust and conflict .
14 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
15 Though from time to time the editorial columns of both Uhuru and the Nationalist called for the Government to take the paper over , and a few MPs supported them , the Standard was not nationalized until February 1970 .
16 The idea came from old Mrs Ferrar , who proposed that from time to time the family should confer on some subject which should ‘ tend either to the information or to the excitement of the affections ’ .
17 From time to time the c-drawer will need weeding and material should either be filed or thrown away .
18 And she even dropped from time to time the odd and flattering hint about the unique nature of her interest .
19 From time to time the problem program will wish to gain entry to the supervisor in a controlled manner , for example to request that a transput operation be performed .
20 By democratic regimes we mean those in which from time to time the people is given the illusion of being sovereign , while true effective sovereignty lies in other , perhaps irresponsible and secret , forces …
21 This means checking personally from time to time the output from your area , whether it be a shoelace , a bottle of beer , a written report , half an hour 's advice or a telephone call to a client .
22 From time to time the passages opened out into caverns , some so gigantic that the glimmer from the two spears was lost in them .
23 From time to time the tensions of clerical dualism erupted into fierce controversy , but in 1341 at least the eruption resulted in no marked shift in clergy-laity relations , not even with regard to the employment of clerical ministers by the crown .
24 He had stared down at her , grinning vacuously ; from time to time the smile would be replaced by a frown , and the Dalek Killer would demand the return of his chainsword , Ace was patient with him , but not affectionate .
25 From time to time the accumulation escapes by seepage through the ground and , most visibly , through earth banks around the tip .
26 From time to time the main Party had to intervene to help out the youngsters or to curb their youthful enthusiasms .
27 From time to time the appellant presented invoices to Mr. Burt claiming that accounts had been kept and returns submitted .
28 Her legs began to hurt and she considered from time to time the possibility of varicose veins .
29 From time to time the sound of the flute stopped , and Gabriel came out of his hut to check his sheep .
30 And from time to time the moon dulled even further as thin wracks of cloud and then denser masses passed across its face .
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