Example sentences of "time when [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are times when making language function effectively is more important than producing perfectly pronounced , grammatically correct sentences .
2 There are times when public opinion is n't the best way to decide a technical issue , but in this case the harm done would be minimal .
3 However , there are times when oil painting is impractical .
4 The poor rate was the largest direct tax paid by most rate payers at a time when income tax was levied only on incomes above £150 p.a. and was paid by all householders , many of them themselves poor .
5 It has been suggested that sleep is a time when brain activity changes from one of acquiring , interpreting , and acting upon information obtained from the environment to one of consolidating daytime memories and experience .
6 They continued their research , but their reports were no longer published ( as they had been up to 1948 ) ; and , at a time when cost research was more clearly needed than ever before , Schiller 's team was starved of funds and talent .
7 They were art students at the time when art college was the bolthole for all the drug-deranged bongo bashers , paint flingers , crappy experimental film-makers and fanny dancers who thought being a student was a great doss but they were f—ed if they were going to read any books .
8 At a time when copper coinage had already been in use for some centuries at the heart of the Han empire , wealthy leaders of the tien community in the southern province of Yunnan were storing hundreds of thousands of cowries in the great bronze drums which were a prominent feature of the Dong-Son culture focussed on northern Indo-China .
9 In the early 1980s , at a time when manufacturing industry was collapsing and the outlook for the unskilled looked particularly bleak , frustration boiled over in a series of riots in London , Bristol , Birmingham , Liverpool , and elsewhere .
10 We 've said it before , we 'll say it again ; playing with right-wing nationalism at a time when refugees area being murdered in Germany , when people are being put in camps and ‘ ethnically cleansed ’ in Serbia , and when people here are being attacked for being black is stupid and dangerous .
11 For my part , I welcomed the temporary relief from an added pressure of numbers and new problems at a time when Banbury School was in its infancy .
12 For example , post-puberty is the time when peer group friendships may take over from parents as the major influence .
13 He also obtained the ends of newspaper rolls from Peckham Press , at a time when cartridge paper was rationed , and encouraged his pupils to draw on a large scale .
14 What appears of particular concern is that the increase in ultraviolet radiation coincides with the time when ocean surface organisms are emerging from the dark winter period and thus have had no time to adapt to the sun , let alone enhanced levels of damaging UV-B radiation .
15 There was no understanding here of my intentions in a body of work that ventured into the unfashionable field of Romanticism , an exaggeratedly retinal approach , at a time when Concept Art was the rage .
16 We have to look back to the first quarter of 1988 to see a time when construction output was so low .
17 At a time when household formation rates suggest we should be going in the opposite direction , simply to stand still .
18 Dean said : ‘ At a time when government health policy objectives indicate that we need more not fewer community nurses , some health authorities have indicated that the number of district nurses may be halved . ’
19 They are particularly important — and problematic at a time when government policy seems to be introducing a serious tension into the local administration of the education service .
20 He became a protector of the species four years ago at a time when badger baiting had reached alarming proportions .
21 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
22 At a time when computer technology was advancing rapidly and any given computer-based business management system tended to be technically obsolescent in a short time , a company made a reasonable decision that all such computers would be depreciated at 50 per cent per annum , making prudent financial provision against their short useful lives .
23 At a time when computer technology was advancing rapidly and any given computer-based business management system tended to be technically obsolescent in a short time , a company made a reasonable decision that all such computers would be depreciated at 50 per cent per annum , making prudent financial provision against their short useful lives .
24 Written by Colin Sweet of the London-based Centre for Energy Studies , it appeared at a sensitive time when budget wrangling threatened to delay fusion .
25 The launch of the Linn CD player , an exotic two-box player priced at ten pounds less than £2600 , comes just a decade into the era of CD , and at a time when record player sales are on their uppers , and W H Smith , the UK 's largest purveyor of prerecorded music , is pledged to withdraw LPs from its stores by about the time this issue hits the newsstands .
26 I only comment that , at a time when Community law is becoming increasingly important , it would be strange if the right of the citizen to recover overpaid charges were to be more restricted under domestic law than it is under European law .
27 While lords were concerned about returns from their estates , their normal practice was to exploit traditional resources rather than to seek more profitable areas for investment , even at a time when population decline made it hard for them to find tenants and had reduced rent levels and the income from them .
28 His father had thought it would be a good idea to ask for the boats to be blessed at a time when Whitby Harbour was crowded with the big Scottish fleet which was following the herring as they moved south .
29 Many of the other budget measures left oil companies confused about the overall impact on their revenues at a time when oil industry funding is under pressure from sluggish international prices .
30 and let's hope they 're all looking on the bright side of life for this week 's coca cola cup games … now there was a time when Gloucester rugby would always give us a cheer … but they 're down in the dumps too …
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