Example sentences of "know [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a sort of nasty perverted curiosity in me — I mean , all the women he 's had and all the things he must know about being in bed .
2 It would be unwise to come to any firm conclusion , remembering that the majority of those we know about are amongst the sandhills which are constantly being eroded by the winds which expose them , that the eastern part of the island down to Kildalton is largely deer forest which is rarely visited except by stalkers , that there are probably many more cists to be discovered .
3 MI5 never replied , GCHQ expressed polite and emphatically arm 's length interest , and the CIA offered help , exhibits and the information that the only other museum of spying they know of is in Havana .
4 The earliest general discussions that I know of are in the works of 17th century philosopher , René Descartes , Rules for the Direction of the Mind and Discours de la Méthode .
5 ( These diets could be said to have been half-right , in that they did cut out refined carbohydrates , but unfortunately without adding fibre-rich carbohydrate foods which we now know to be of such help to slimmers . )
6 Deletions of 5q and 7q are now know to be among the commonest chromosomal abnormalities found in myelodysplasia and secondary acute myeloid leukaemia .
7 At this time I remember too the widely reported story I had once thought apocryphal but now know to be in Dr. Ronald Glasser 's The Body is the Hero .
8 Roger , Lord North , admitted that as a subsidy commissioner he had let men off lightly in Cambridgeshire : everyone was known to be worth ten times his assessment in goods and six times in land ; some were worth twenty or thirty times their assessments .
9 The sample used was of large companies that were known to be at the leading edge in terms of corporate planning practices .
10 Anne is known to be at loggerheads with IOC president Samaranch and snubbed the opening ceremony in his home city .
11 The HeI stars are known to be at the Galactic Centre because many are coincident with temperature peaks in the dust associated with the spiral of ionized gas flowing into the centre .
12 The squanderbug alias Hitler 's pal , known to be at large in certain parts of the kingdom .
13 Earlier this month the campaigning charity Sane ( Schizophrenia — A National Emergency ) reported the story of a mentally ill woman known to be at risk of suicide who attempted suicide while living rough .
14 The evening meal is usually around seven , although it has been known to be at nine .
15 How then should we manage these patients who are known to be at an increased rick of developing cancer ?
16 Their mother was known to be at high risk herself given the family history , and we were keen to offer her both counselling and screening for her own benefit .
17 Co-director Deborah Coles recounted how she had spent the last 3 days attending the inquest on a man known to be at risk , who committed suicide in prison .
18 The effect of the decision in Aveling Barford is that where a company has no retained earnings , a transfer by it to a sister company which is known to be at an under value may be treated as an unauthorised return of capital .
19 A large part of the centre 's work will be based on exploring the background of families already known to be at high risk of inheriting those diseases .
20 The fact that she was known to be on a special complex carbohydrate diet designed to help her regain weight did n't help matters .
21 It was 17th October and Balliol was known to be on the move .
22 Between 10 and 7 BC , however , Quirinius was known to be on military service in the Syrian area , and so there is the possibility of him being involved in a previous census even though he was not the Governor at the time .
23 Ulf , the bishop whose capabilities had so little impressed Bishop Ealdred , had disappeared from view and been replaced at Dorchester by a Saxon , Wulfwig , who was known to be on good terms with Leofric of Mercia .
24 A proactive search is undertaken to identify companies and businesses which are not necessarily known to be for sale but which meet the client 's acquisition criteria .
25 As we will discuss later , pathogens in general — including viruses — are now known to be of enormous ecological importance ( see p 132 ) .
26 ‘ Purposive sampling ’ occurs when a researcher chooses a particular group or place to study because it is known to be of the type that is wanted .
27 When told to sod off by a man well over six feet tall , about fourteen stones in weight , with a four-iron in his hand , and known to be of uncertain temperament , even the most hardened reporter will do just that .
28 Any such artefact may seek either to proclaim or to hide the material used and the constraints the material has imposed upon the technological process : a mask may be thought to incorporate the spiritual properties of the wood from which it is taken ; a group of people may refuse to purchase an item known to be of seal skin ; a plastic may seek to copy a more traditional material ; the gold from which an object is made may have far greater significance than the actual form into which it has been hammered .
29 Claims for Fire , Vandalism , Accident Damage ( Partial Losses ) Plant Safety must be instructed and an Engineer 's Report obtained where the damage is known to be of a mechanical or electrical nature , or affects such parts of the machine as may be subject to load testing or Statutory Certification .
30 It has therefore been decided to concentrate on purchases in certain areas known to be of importance in Scotland rather than attempt to purchase small amounts in all scientific disciplines .
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