Example sentences of "time [coord] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Saunders has scored eight times and Villa have n't lost a game since his £2.3 million move from Liverpool .
2 He 's abducted me six times and Nero had to send the lads to rescue me .
3 Should it be as many as seven times and Jesus had replied both no , no you should be able to forgive forgive them seven times , it should be seventy times in other words stop thinking about counting and just get on with the forgiving .
4 Talking to the locomotive owners and train organisers direct , as far as can be ascertained , the following trains have been agreed and authorised although not all of the departure times and routes have been fully confirmed .
5 A post mortem revealed Mrs Bahia had been stabbed 16 times , Mrs Dhandwar 46 times and Avtar had 11 knife wounds .
6 His mother phoned him several times and Jack had a disturbed night 's sleep .
7 If any discrepancy reports are received it will usually mean that insufficient time or resources have been allocated for the offline system to carry out its verification cycle successfully ( or those resources are not appropriate to the maximum latency time ) .
8 Japan 's Matsushita and Sony have each invested more than $5 billion over the past few years in America 's entertainment business , while Time and Warner have merged in the belief that big companies can best exploit a proliferating array of new media .
9 Questions about possible friction between the disparate corporate cultures of Time and Warner have been current ever since the merger .
10 These brabanzonen , as they were known , were a growing social and political problem at this time and Alexander had even issued a decree forbidding their use .
11 A good deal of time and intelligence has been invested in the exposure of racism and the horrific results on its objects .
12 There were only three other black kids at Repton at the time and Hope had to withstand some daunting reactions to his presence at the club in the East End of London .
13 A great deal of time and thought had gone into the varied and colourful array of costumes worn by the contestants , and into their entertainingly apposite choice of titles ; everybody , however , agreed that ‘ Worzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally ’ , who had travelled all the way from Norfolk , were the worthy winners .
14 A lot of time and thought has been given to this and it looks like the best way of dealing with it is … because … .
15 This region is known as the Realm of Chaos ; a black zone of unreality where time and space have no meaning .
16 A lot of time and money had been spent rebuilding the works necessary to complete the job but such were the difficulties experienced that the whole project became completely impracticable and the LNWR conceded defeat and altered the route of the line to exclude the land at Tunstead Farm .
17 ‘ An enormous amount of time and money has already been poured into this challenge .
18 A considerable amount of time and money has been spent in pursuing the study of river basin dynamics .
19 Perchance my studies in Germanic Philology did much to make me aware of racial bonds that time and money have obscured .
20 The Dutch were silver medallists last time and England have taken the bronze in the last two events .
21 The toxic nature of some animals has been known for a long time and man has utilised their venoms and poisons for various purposes .
22 He got off too lightly at the time and history has not brought his memory to full justice .
23 The letter notes that the time and date have been chosen inter alia to ‘ minimise further unnecessary costs to our company . ’
24 Inaccessible public transport systems have meant that a good deal of time and resources have gone towards enabling people to travel to and from meetings .
25 She knew it so well , and though time and distance had separated them , it made her heart beat double .
26 His voice was low , the deep tones carrying only the faintest hint of a Scottish accent that time and distance had helped him to shed .
27 ‘ A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that all materials and finishes co-ordinate effectively and that the work was carried out to the highest possible standards , befitting a grand old Bank , ’ said Tony Caroli , Property Project Manager .
28 CONSIDERABLE time and effort has gone into gathering information and analysing data with the aim of accelerating delivery of invoices to our clients and to ensure invoices are complete and correct in every detail .
29 Much time and effort has been put into promoting adult education this summer .
30 Its time and place had been circulated well in advance .
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