Example sentences of "time [pers pn] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At times I thought the process would never end .
2 In my utter loneliness I had only one resource : several times I took the ferry to North Shields , and walked up the steep bank to a certain public lavatory beside a roaring pub .
3 Several times I saw a big bull , sometimes even two together .
4 The bellends are long and low and though they give good shape for wind deflection I found at times I needed a little more height when cooking .
5 I remember clearly one of the first times I gave a word of knowledge .
6 The first few times I lit the stove , up popped yellow flames and I turned it off .
7 I can not say at what speed they moved , or how many times she circled the base of the tower , running as if her life depended on it .
8 At times she heard a voice clearly , She can not mean it .
9 ‘ I ca n't tell you , darling , how many times she sent the character juvenile out to buy cheroots .
10 No matter how many times she made the journey , this on-high vista proved endlessly fascinating .
11 I mean , when our Bon was learning I went with her a few times she frightened the life out of me !
12 Asking both men and women how many times they took the driving test before getting through , the researchers found that men had a significantly higher success rate , with 57 per cent passing at the first attempt .
13 And no matter how many times they asked the girl , no matter how many different ways they approached it , her story was always the same . ’
14 Freames and Pitts Mills were in close proximity to one another and this , coupled with the fact that at various times they shared the same tenants and were put to similar uses , has caused a certain amount of confusion .
15 Three or four times they varied the system to pull me from my palliasse at a dead hour of the morning-about three-thirty or four a.m .
16 PLAYERS from England , Scotland , Ireland , Norway , Denmark , Sweden , Iceland and Spain were on duty in the 111th north London derby — at times they needed a United Nations peace-keeping force to maintain law and order .
17 At times it seemed a bit strange to have a university degree and be working so physically hard but in many ways those three years were a very good period .
18 In Roman times it became the capital city of the province of Asia and the principal port for all of south-west Anatolia .
19 Sometimes this obstinacy was the refuge of the poor man who can not afford change and to whom stagnation has become a habit of mind necessary for survival ; at other times it represented a sound rejection of improper techniques culled by ‘ philosophical ’ amateurs from the journals of French and English agricultural societies .
20 By then La Rotonde , which had opened in 1911 , had become the place for artists to meet , and every morning Nina met Modi selling his drawings for five francs ( although in bad times he reduced the price to three francs ) .
21 Sometimes he simply hung over the bank and untied the boat , other times he rattled a stick against the boathouse door and shouted in a gruff , common voice — he was a good mimic — ‘ Who 's there ?
22 Both times he drove the spawn of Naggaroth off but always they return .
23 And I 'm sure a lot of times he had no idea what was going to come out , but he knew there was going to be some sort of feedback or something , so he 'd just play with it when it came . ’
24 Several times he had the nose of his car in front , only to be thwarted by some brave late-braking by the Jaguar man .
25 ‘ Do n't let me have to do it , ’ three times he begged the Father .
26 In the following year he crossed Manchuria from Statensk in Siberia to Vladivostok , and during his time as Far Eastern correspondent of The Times he visited every province of China except Tibet .
27 But the image of Dinah would not leave him , and was strengthened by the times he visited the theatre and saw her in the flesh .
28 Three times he tried the manoeuvre and three times he failed to haul his weight over the sill .
29 You might , for example , inquire after Richard Dunwoody , whose Becher 's Brook fall on the much-fancied Brown Windsor was just one of the six times he hit the ground during the three-day meeting .
30 And er but it was only about half past five I did n't I never stopped till the I just kept going now tha well about half past four , I started to pack up and I realized my sandwiches were still in my snack box so I I 'd I 'd had one one earlier on whilst I was still working but yes the lady there she made us a couple of cups in the morning , er cu cup of coffee , I think about what yeah about half ten time but the time I painted a little bit and I thought oh I 'll stop and have a fag , with my coffee and I had a cup of tea later on in the afternoon but er I did n't stop , I kept going , you know and then course by time I got to my drink , it was cold it was cool , so you drink it straight down
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