Example sentences of "time [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The median times between start of treatment and the final follow up examination did not differ between th two subgroups : 63 days ( range 35–224 ) inthe successful eradication group , 118 days ( range 35–454 ) in the failed eradication group ( 2p>0.50 ; Mann-Whitney rank test ) .
2 It was an exchange they had had a hundred times during childhood at the end of some day 's adventure in remote fields .
3 Interview in the Financial Times as Chancellor of the Exchequer , October 1990 .
4 Owen himself served at different times as governor of the community .
5 The client will need to be told how to contact you , whether there are any prefered times for calls to be made and who they can expect to speak to .
6 Calculations are made of your peak running speed , maximum oxygen uptake , ideal training speed , running efficiency , anaerobic threshold and anticipated running times for races from one mile to marathon .
7 He is also one of a select band of Palace players who have also appeared in the County Cricket Championship , having done so 14 times for Hampshire between 1957 and 1962 .
8 Almost every dairy farm in Ayrshire produced Dunlop cheese and it became a thriving small industry which was an important source of income for the county 's farmers throughout the many difficult times for agriculture in the late 18th and 19th centuries .
9 The early 1960s were turbulent times for blacks as the reverberations from the spate of immigrant intimidations following the Notting Hill and Nottingham episodes had barely subsided .
10 The core of these systems will be SEMA Group 's FAST software , selected because of its ability to satisfy BNFL 's stringent functionality and performance criteria to ensure rapid response times for operators in the control room .
11 Table 11.2 Good and bad times for exposure to natural light in the first two to three days after a time-zone transition Meals and drinks • Try to make meals of the ‘ correct ’ type ( breakfast , lunch , etc. ) at your adjusted times .
12 The high prevalence of associated disease in these patients should encourage and justify efforts to reduce waiting times for appointments at outpatient clinics .
13 The hon. Gentleman should note that although the Cornish air ambulance makes a valaable contribution in the county , it has not produced a measured improvement in response times for ambulances in Cornwall .
14 It also failed to deal with the unreasonably short times for notices of claims against carriers ; and it did not reverse the burden of proof that weighed upon the shipper whenever the carrier claimed the application of seemingly valid exculpatory clauses .
15 They also insisted that a minimum stockpile of atomic bombs ( a figure of 20 was mentioned ) should be maintained in the United Kingdom under British operational control at all times for use by Bomber Command .
16 The Leuchars squadron is to be replaced by Sea Kings operating from RAF Bulmer and RAF Lossiemouth , in spite of claims that the longer response times for fishermen in trouble in the Forth and climbers in peril north of the line of the Tay could mean lives being lost .
17 Labour candidate Alan Milburn said figures from the Northern Regional Health Authority 's guide to waiting times for GPs throughout the North show an increase in almost every department within Darlington health authority .
18 The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices , which Mr Yeltsin has postponed several times for fear of a popular outcry .
19 There was no significant difference in the acid clearance times after healing of oesophagitis ( 350 v 371 and 536 v 645 seconds for sitting and suppine postures respectively ) .
20 In less than straightforward cases the prosecution should be in a position to prove the delay and times of change of the three coloured lights .
21 As Tobin ( 1982 ) and Walsh ( 1984 ) observe , instability may also arise at times of change in the underlying economic environment since the coefficients in ( 1 ) are dependent upon the covariance matrix of asset returns .
22 In an interview with The Times of India on Oct. 5 , 1990 , King Wangchuck expressed his willingness to enter into a dialogue with the dissidents .
23 Anyone of a moderately sensitive disposition , who is not in the thrall of what Aldous Huxley termed their ‘ idiot monologue ’ of petty rigmarole , but who is sufficiently inwardly tranquil and open to the influence of the landscape , can not fail to be struck by the uncanny quality which the chalk ‘ breathes out ’ at different times of day under particular atmospheric conditions .
24 That was an enormous transformation from the world where you only met gay people at specific times of day in specific places under specific circumstances .
25 Whilst the law is designed to give succour in times of difficulty to those who do their best , it will show little mercy to those who are at the receiving end of proceedings who can not demonstrate that they have given the highest priority .
26 Born in poverty and now blind , Pat Wilson , of Marwood Drive , Great Ayton , is a prolific writer and even in times of adversity in her youth managed to produce work .
27 Investigation into the lives and times of writers in the 1920s in Peking , China through their reminiscences and their firends ' , both written and oral .
28 Those days ( 1956 ) were times of hope for frank discussion and for an end to the long Cold War .
29 Today , it is often at times of intimacy in worship that the voice of the Lord will be heard through prophecy , tongues with interpretation , exhortation , or the reading of a scripture that has a particular relevance .
30 Section 119 provides that a company if so authorised by its articles may : ( a ) make arrangements on an issue of shares for a difference between shareholders in the amounts or times of payments of calls ; ( b ) accept the whole or part of the amount remaining unpaid although it has not been called up ; or ( c ) pay a dividend in proportion to the amount paid up on each share where a larger amount is paid up on some shares than on others .
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