Example sentences of "see as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had to see as the wagons in the coals as it shifting , not falling off you see .
2 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
3 This rationality it came to see as the basis of a universal culture ; the justification for its claim to define universal values , to define its values as universal .
4 Edberg defeated Cash in a quality final which many , I suspect , would have preferred to see as the final itself .
5 between support staff ( such as expecting SEN staff to focus on methods of achieving ‘ educational results ’ without also attending to the interactional emotional and behavioural context of learning failure , seen as the remit of pastoral care , counselling and the psychological services )
6 The Hebrew word for destroyer or devil ( Abaddon ) is not used in the Old Testament to describe Satan , who is seen as the adversary or the accuser .
7 In many ways , the hygienists can be seen as the heirs of the Evangelicals ; here again , this trend of social attitudes towards infant care must be set in its broader context .
8 By the end of 1981 and into 1982 , however , these new outbreaks were occurring with a rapidity and density which in retrospect can be seen as the building blocks for a full-blown heroin ‘ epidemic ’ .
9 In an extension of this , the first species described can be seen as the type , or the typical member , of its genus .
10 Hailed by Sir David Wilson , the Governor of Hong Kong , as " a good agreement for Hong Kong " , the memorandum was widely seen as the UK acceding to China 's demands for a greater say in Hong Kong 's affairs , although Sir David claimed that it would not give China a veto over the Hong Kong government .
11 While collaboration between the teacher and the school librarian is essential in the design of the database , the selection and indexing of information and resources , and the construction and maintenance of a database are usually seen as the tasks of the school librarian .
12 In social science , this has meant that women have been virtually ignored , except as they related to men , and that the male has been seen as the norm .
13 Increasingly , privately-built housing for owner-occupation was seen as the norm while council housing was seen as necessary for the low-paid only .
14 In this context , then , approaches to education must begin from the notion , articulated by André Gorz and others , that ours is a post-industrial society where paid work on a full-time basis is no longer to be seen as the norm , and where ‘ education for life ’ rather than ‘ training for jobs ’ should be the objective .
15 Imprisonment for ordinary civil debt was abolished by statute in 1970 — another hundred years had had to pass since the enactment of the 1869 measure which was seen as the triumph of liberal attitudes over the centuries-long stand of the powerful trader lobby .
16 Gloucester 's actions after his brother 's death are traditionally seen as the triumph of an over-mighty subject , and it follows that Edward IV had been making a rod for his own back when he allowed Gloucester to become lord of the north .
17 Gloucester 's actions after his brother 's death are traditionally seen as the triumph of an over-mighty subject , and it follows that Edward IV had been making a rod for his own back when he allowed Gloucester to become lord of the north .
18 Graduated separatism , the acceptable face of separatism , can be seen as the ripples which pass outwards from this .
19 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
20 Derry are clearly seen as the bridesmaids among the five clubs battling frantically for European football next season .
21 More positively , Article 100A(4) may be seen as the price to be paid for the acceptance of a system of decision-making which may lead to the enactment of Community legislation in areas still subject to national measures .
22 She writes : ‘ The process of inspiration must be seen as the inspiration of those people , especially of poor women , struggling for human dignity and liberation from oppressive powers , because they believe in the biblical God of creation and salvation despite all experiences to the contrary . ’
23 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
24 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
25 On the one hand increased INSET activity is seen as the way forward especially by the Department of Education and Science ( DES , 1985b and 1986 ; MSC , 1987 ) .
26 which have been relevant there and the political factors during the Japanese war , the a need to form a united front , a need to moderate policy and then , over the course of nineteen forty six , forty seven , the need to move in a more radical direction , to go back to land reform and , and land reform a scale in terms of absolute egalitarianism because that was seen as the way of , of mobilizing mass peasant support , particularly amongst the poor , most quickly .
27 The partnership depends heavily upon the generosity of the charity , but it 's seen as the way forward in care for the elderly .
28 While The School Curriculum might have been seen as the government 's definitive statement on the structure of the national curriculum framework , it was superseded in September 1984 by The Organization and Content of the 5–16 Curriculum , although the wording of the latest document conveyed the impression that the final nature and scope of the national framework has not yet been determined .
29 Among Fianna Fail members , Mr MacSharry is seen as the man with the courage and determination to revive the party 's flagging fortunes , just as he did for the Irish economy four years ago .
30 Almost as soon as he arrived at Highbury Chapman persuaded his chairman that the team needed Charlie Buchan , the long-shining star of Sunderland who , at thirty-four , was seen as the man to inspire and lend experience to the faltering Arsenal attack .
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