Example sentences of "see as [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although a backbencher he is currently the politician the voters most want to see as prime minister .
2 This first object is therefore not a whole , coherent form , but is split between two forces which the infant tends to see as uncomplicated ideals : one wholly good object and one wholly bad object .
3 Both the 1965 ‘ plan ’ and devaluation can be seen as technocratic measures , equally inadequate to abolish the competitive weakness of the UK economy — a weakness which is inscribed in its industrial structure , and the slow growth of productivity which is linked to the development of social relations within enterprises as well as the shortfall of investment .
4 Other charity administrators say that Wolfson 's policy could help to legitimize the campaigns of anti-vivisectionists and could be seen as implicit criticism of the efforts of laboratory researchers .
5 There have been some dramatic prosecutions of commercial fraud , or what may be seen as criminal negligence .
6 In one demonstration my car was stopped at a hospital entrance but it soon became clear that much of the resentment was directed at what were seen as remote hospital authorities ‘ up there , .
7 American brand Rusty , founded by an American guru board shaper , is seen as good clothing , as is the surf/skate label Gordon & Smith .
8 Jews or Zionists are seen as prime movers in a plot to take over the world , by destroying nations and manipulating the minds of ordinary people .
9 These latter are seen as central aspects in the perception of beauty .
10 The shooting is seen as retaliatory action following the murders of three Roman Catholic civilians by the UFF and UVF last week .
11 If the patient is unconscious and will never regain consciousness , or is suffering from a progressive or fatal illness , then the respirator must be seen as heroic treatment and may be turned off , as in the case of Karen Quinlan , when it is no longer of any lasting benefit .
12 The syndrome is seen as poor speech , e.g. ‘ omission of phonemes ( flower instead of flower ) ’ or avoidance of lip-reading by looking away .
13 The causes of poor organizational performance are seen as poor communications , bad supervisory practices , low levels of group satisfaction and cohesion .
14 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
15 The Commission 's aim of reskilling workers before they become unemployed , and smoothing their transition into alternative employment is also objected to by the UK Government , as it is seen as industrial policy in disguise .
16 These have been seen as appropriate developments from the teaching in the Bible .
17 English , on the other hand , has to be able to distinguish dental from labiodental and alveolar places of articulation for to be distinct from and and for to be distinct from and ; this requires an additional feature that most languages do not need , and this could be seen as specific task for the learner of English .
18 In this view , teaching materials are to be seen as hypothetical constructs , models or exemplars of abstract principles from which actual instances of pedagogic activities might be developed in the light of particular classroom conditions .
19 The result was that the all-union bodies which carried out these functions were seen as Russian bodies , and Russians took the blame for their shortcomings ; while Russia itself , one of the areas whose numbers had been increasing most rapidly before the revolution , was threatened with depopulation .
20 But by 1800 , man and woman were no longer seen as similar bodies on different parts of a scale .
21 For four hundred years it was owned by a succession of wealthy aristocrats … the valley , woodland and lakes seen as private possessions for their eyes only .
22 There has been a tendency generally , but particularly in the years since 1979 , to disregard what are seen as private troubles ( family poverty , poor marital relationships , isolation ) and to consider primarily public issues , e.g. dependency of lone parents on welfare benefits , reception of children into care because of homelessness or family breakdown and juvenile crime .
23 It will do so from a common perspective : that is , how might each of them handle what have been seen as necessary imperatives of organizational action ?
24 On the way to achieving effectiveness groups will undoubtedly face uncertainty , if not conflict , but these processes have to be seen as necessary costs of achieving both harmony and purposeful behaviour .
25 In effect , the insider who reveals the structural formations of a system of power inverts that power and the revelation creates a situation where elements of ‘ anti-structure ’ ( Turner 1969 , 1974 ) now present a version of how things might be constituted ; and what has been seen as solid reality begins to be identified as only one social possibility .
26 The foundations of his manor house , Roos Castle , can still be seen as regular contours in a field south of the church .
27 In addition 3,000 mentally handicapped and 200,000 mentally ill people were seen as new out-patients that year .
28 Skinhead violence may be seen as one response to such changes in society .
29 Mr Lawson 's speech to a City banquet at the Mansion House next week is seen as one occasion on which new policies -possibly even a step towards full EMS membership — could be outlined .
30 ‘ It was seen as one way mediocre trading performance . ’
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